Kyle Broderick - Extension Educator and Coordinator of the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

Loren Giesler

Work Plant Sciences Hall (PLSH) 448
Lincoln NE 68583-0722
Work 402-472-2559 On campus, dial 2-2559
Wilted, stunted phytophthora
Figure 1. Wilted and stunted soybean plant due to phytophthora in an otherwise healthy field. (Photo taken in Hall County by Sarah Schlund)

Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot Developing in Soybeans

July 27, 2017
As conditions heated up the last two weeks, the fungus causing phytophthora root and stem rot became active in irrigated fields and those fields that received significant rain over the past couple weeks. Growers are encouraged to scout for this disease and, if found, manage through seed selection and treatment for the next crop.

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Southern rust pustules on a corn leaf

Corn Disease Update: Southern Rust Increasing; Diplodia New to Nebraska

July 27, 2017
Warm, wet conditions across Nebraska the past two weeks created optimal conditions for crop diseases. This update looks at identification and management of three diseases in corn: southern rust, which is expanding in the state, bacterial leaf streak, and diplodia, which is new to Nebraska.

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Map of ag districts in Nebraska

Crop Diseases Confirmed by PPDC July 10-26

July 27, 2017

The following diseases were reported in samples submitted to the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab July 10-26.

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Map of counties where southern rust had been confirmed as of Aug. 3, 2017
Map of counties where southern rust had been confirmed as of Aug. 3, 2017

Nebraska Counties where Southern Rust Has Been Confirmed in Corn

August 3, 2017
As of Aug. 3 southern rust had been confirmed in 26 Nebraska counties by the University of Nebraska Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab. This map is updated as new confirmations are made.

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Southern rust on a corn leaf
Figure 1. Southern rust has been confirmed in corn in eight eastern Nebraska counties and growers are urged to scout from now through August, as weather conditions are quite favorable for its development.

Southern Rust Confirmed in Corn in 8 Eastern Nebraska Counties

July 19, 2017
Southern rust has been confirmed in corn in 8 eastern Nebraska counties and growers are urged to scout vigilantly to schedule optimal timing of treatment, if needed. Most systemic fungicides can provide protection of leaves from future infections for 21-28 days.

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Nebraska ag reporting districts

Crop Diseases Confirmed by Plant & Pest Lab June 27 - July 13

July 14, 2017
A number of diseases were confirmed in corn, soybeans, and hops in the past two weeks.

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common corn smut on an ear

Several Corn Diseases Developing Across Nebraska

July 13, 2017
Several diseases, as well as other problems that look like diseases, have been confirmed in corn samples from around the state. These diseases can be difficult to differentiate from each other and from abiotic causes. This story offers photos and brief descriptions to aid your diagnosis before making treatment decisions.

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Severe holcus spot on corn leaves
Severe holcus spot on corn leaves

Crop Diseases Confirmed by Plant & Pest Lab June 15-27

June 29, 2017
Holcus spot in corn was among the diseases diagnosed by the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab in samples submitted June 15-27. See what diseases were confirmed in corn, soybean, wheat, and hops.

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