Irrigated soybean in Perkins County, NE (2019).
Irrigated soybean in Perkins County, NE (2019).

Seeding Practices and Nitrogen Management for Western Nebraska Soybean: What Matters and Why

March 30, 2020
Continuous corn is the most common irrigated crop sequence in southwest Nebraska. Although rotating to other crops, such as soybeans, can mitigate some production issues of continuous corn and often boost the next year’s corn yield, larger adoption of soybeans has not readily occurred in this area.

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Cover crop research plots in 2017

Spring-planted Cover Crops for Weed Control in Organic Soybean

March 25, 2020
Weed control in organic soybean usually includes frequent pre-plant tillage operations but spring rains often make it difficult to get into the fields for timely tillage. As a result, weed pressure can be high. Cover crops can help suppress weeds, but after corn harvest it is often too late to establish cover crops. Spring-planting cover crops may be an alternative to fall-planting.

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A farmer inspecting soil
Checking soil conditions while planting the improved soybean practice treatment on April 20 in Richardson County.

On-Farm Research Study to Investigate Practices to Increase Soybean Yield

March 12, 2020
The results of the first year of the study were promising. Across four sites, the improved treatment resulted in an average 8 bu/ac yield increase and $46/ac profit increase compared to the baseline treatment.

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attendees at the last Cover Crops and Soil Health conference

Video Presentations from the 2020 Cover Crops and Soil Health Conference are Available Online

March 3, 2020
The theme for the 2020 conference, which was held in February at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center, was “Inter-Seeding Cover Crops for Corn & Soybean Rotation.”

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soybean gall midge larvae

Soybean Gall Midge Roundtable Meeting Set for Mar. 2

February 7, 2020
Come and join us from 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Monday, March 2nd, at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center (1071 County Road G, Ithaca, NE) for the latest information on this newly emerging soybean pest.

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Figure 1. Farmers examining different fertility treatments during 2019 August Field Day near Grant, NE.
Figure 1. Farmers examining different fertility treatments during 2019 August Field Day near Grant, NE.

Soybean Fertility Study in Western NE: What is Limiting High Yield and Protein?

February 7, 2020
Public universities and private companies were contacted early in 2019 to provide input on the study protocol that would compare multiple fertility programs for soybeans in western NE. A total of 12 fertility programs were compared.

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soybeans ready for harvest
Study investigating effects of row spacing, planting date, seeding rate and nitrogen management at Grant, NE (2019).

Seeding Recommendations for Irrigated Soybean and Dryland Corn in West-Central Nebraska

January 23, 2020
Continuous corn is the most common irrigated crop sequence in southwest Nebraska. Although rotating to other crops, such as soybeans, can mitigate some production issues of continuous corn and often boost the next year’s corn yield, larger adoption of soybean has not readily occurred in this area.

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Impact of 2,4-D Micro-Rates on non-2,4-D Tolerant Soybean

January 16, 2020
Auxin type herbicides (eg. dicamba, 2,4-D) are an integral component of major cropping systems in North America. With the recent launching of Enlist E3 soybean in the U.S., in-season application of 2,4-D to soybean fields is expected to increase.

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