flooded field
Spring floods and soils that just didn't dry out led to prevented plant acres being reported on more than 400,000 acres of Nebraska cropland. Overall Nebraska ranked 16th in the nation on prevent plant acres.

USDA Reports 400,000 Acres of Prevented Plant Cropland in Nebraska

August 15, 2019
Crop producers across Nebraska reported more than 400,000 acres as prevented plant in 2019, ranking 16th nationally. How typical was your county? View county and state numbers from the USDA Farm Service Agency.

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Corn growing on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s East Campus. A new Nebraska study has quantified the benefits of irrigation among nine U.S. crops by analyzing yields from 1950 to 2015. (Photo by Craig Chandler/University Communication)
Figure 1. Corn growing on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s East Campus. A new Nebraska study has quantified the benefits of irrigation among nine U.S. crops by analyzing yields from 1950 to 2015. (Photo by Craig Chandler/University Communication)

Gap Growing Between Irrigated, Rainfed Crop Yields

August 13, 2019
A 65-year comparative analysis between U.S. yields of irrigated and rainfed crops has sounded a message to farmers, land managers and policymakers: Mind the gap. Researchers analyzed annual yields of nine crops on a county-by-county basis from 1950 to 2015.

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Five-state map showing counties with confirmed infestations of soybean gall midge

Mid-Season Update on Soybean Gall Midge

August 7, 2019
Soybean gall midge infestations have been confirmed in six new Nebraska counties since 2018.Treatment is not recommended at this time, but scouting and reporting infestations will continue to be important to plan for management next year.

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Figure 1. Research in northeast Nebraska indicates that adding alfalfa to a corn-soybean rotation can reduce nitrate in the aquifer while increasing profit.

Adding Alfalfa to Corn-Soybean Rotation can Increase Profit, Reduce Nitrate Leaching

July 31, 2019
University research shows that adding alfalfa into corn-soybean rotations can help reduce the loss of nitrate to and increase the extraction of nitrate from aquifers while improving profitability.

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Seven teams of youth, shown here, participated in the 6th Annual Crop Scouting Competition. The top two teams, Colfax County 4-H and Kornhusker Kids 4-H Club Team #1, will represent Nebraska at the Regional program in Iowa on August. 26. (Photos by Brandy VanDeWalle
Figure 1. Seven teams of youth participated in the 6th Annual Crop Scouting Competition. The top two teams, Colfax County 4-H and Kornhusker Kids 4-H Club #1 team, will represent Nebraska at the Regional program in Iowa on August. 26. (Photos by Brandy VanDeWalle)

Youth Crop Scouting Event Tests Valuable Skills

July 31, 2019
Seven teams from across Nebraska participated in the sixth annual Crop Scouting Competition for Nebraska Youth, testing their skills scouting corn and soybean. The top two teams will represent Nebraska at the regional competition in Iowa in August.

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Painted Lady caterpillar

It Pays To Scout: A Tale of Three Soybean Fields

July 29, 2019
These three on-farm examples show the importance of scouting individual soybean fields to assess damage, insect growth stage, and the potential need for treating thistle caterpillars.

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2018 Soybean Management Field Day at Cedar Bluffs site
Figure 1. At this year's Soybean Management Field Days, sponsored by the Nebraska Soybean Checkoff, growers will learn how to increase profits while becoming competitive in the global market. Several speakers will address research on integrating cover crops into soybean rotations. (Photo by Lana Johnson)

Nebraska Soybean Management Field Days at 4 Locations Aug. 13-16

July 25, 2019
Soybean Management Field Days Aug. 13-16 offer valuable, research-based information to help growers stay competitive in the global marketplace and increase profits while meeting the world's growing food and energy needs right here in Nebraska.

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A mature wheat field in eastern Nebraska.
Figure 1. A wheat field about ready to harvest and, in the background, a corn field in eastern Nebraska. (Photo by Paul Jasa)

Crop Condition Improves Slightly; Progress Still Behind

July 22, 2019
Crop condition improved slightly for corn and soybean, while crop progress continued to lag previous years in all categories for the week ending July 21. Wheat harvest was 33% complete, well behind the five-year average of 76%.

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