Photo of field comparison of soybean planting dates and maturities at different stages.

Projecting Dates for Ending Reproductive Stages of a Soybean Crop Using SoyWater

October 9, 2019
How did the 2019 growing season affect the date of R7 (PM) in soybean varieties differing in MG (1.1 to 4.1) and planting date in eastern Nebraska? Take a look at graphs showing seasonal vegetative (Vn) and reproductive (Rn) development versus calendar date and compare the data with field photos.

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Farm grain bins

Preparing Grain Bins and Equipment for Harvest

September 2, 2020
Cleaning and treating harvest equipment and grain bins, as well as the area surrounding bins, can reduce pest and rodent problems in stored grain, helping protect your season-long investment.

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CW Podcast: Late-Maturing Crops and Insects

September 13, 2019
In this month’s CropWatch Podcast Extension Educator Michael Sindelar is joined by entomologist Robert Wright to discuss insect issues in late maturing corn and soybeans.

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While mold sclerotia in a soybean stem

Crop Disease Reports from the UNL Diagnostic Clinic

September 13, 2019
Diseases of corn, soybean, sorghum and alfalfa diagnosed by the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic in the last two weeks.

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Soybean leaves with bacterial blight

Late Season Soybean Diseases Widespread in Areas of Nebraska

September 13, 2019
Record rainfall during August and continued wet conditions into September are much to blame for the flush of diseases Nebraska’s soybean crop has been experiencing. Here are some of the most common diseases at this time and information on managing them.

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USDA Forecasts Record Nebraska Corn Harvest

September 12, 2019
Based on September 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2019 corn crop is forecast at a record 1.79 billion bushels, up slightly from last year's production. Soybean production is forecast at 287 million bushels, down 14% from last year. See forecasts for sorghum, surgar beets and dry beans too.

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Corn and Soybean Condition Steady; Dry Bean Drops

August 29, 2019

For the week ending August 18, USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service reported the following crop condition and progress:

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Frogeye leaf spot
Figure 1. Frogeye leaf spot on soybean

Frogeye Leaf Spot in Northeast Nebraska

August 19, 2019
Moderate to severe frogeye leaf spot is being reported on soybean in northeast Nebraska. Pathogen resistance to QoI fungicide is suspected in two fields. If you suspect resistance, contact the author for possible testing.

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