Process for sampling soybean leaves to assess defoliation

Management of Defoliating Insects in Nebraska Soybeans

January 16, 2020
Many defoliating insects may be found in Nebraska soybeans. Estimating defoliation levels in fields is the best way to decide whether it will pay to treat for these insects.

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New USDA Harvest Projections Down from 2018

November 8, 2019
Based on November 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2019 corn crop is forecast at 1.77 billion bushels, down 1% from 2018. Soybean production is forecast at 282 million bushels, down 13%.

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corn harvesting

Nebraska Harvest Progressing with Corn at 60%, Soybean, 94%

November 4, 2019
As of Nov. 3 Nebraska's corn harvest was 60% complete, near last year's 62%, but behind the five-year average of 69%, and soybean harvest was 94%, ahead of 88% last year, and equal to average.

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Nebraska map showing counties where soybean cyst nematode has been confirmed

Fall Sampling for SCN

October 29, 2019
Have you noticed field areas where soybean yield wasn't what you expected? The culprit might just be soybean cyst nematodes, the most yield-limiting pest in soybeans. Find out if your fields are affected with a free test from the Nebraska Soybean Board.

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Starburst pattern on Fusarium-infected corn kernels

Crop Diseases Reported by the UNL Plant and Pest Clinic

October 18, 2019
Root, crown and ear rots lead the list of corn and soybean diseases reported in samples submitted to the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab from October 1 to October 17.

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Historical Analysis of Prevent Plant Cropland in Nebraska

October 16, 2019
How does this year's prevented planting compare with the last 10 years? Every season has its challenges, but heavy spring precipitation and flooding made this year one for the record books.

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Combine dumping harvested soybeans in a truck

Soybean Drying, Storage Could Be Challenging

October 16, 2019
A challenging soybean harvest this fall is raising many storage and drying issues, including the potential for increased shatter losses, moisture variation, and storage losses. See these recommended drying times and temperatures for safer storage.

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Soybean pods at the R7 stage showing different levels of membrane attachment within the pod.

Taking Note of the Ending Reproductive Stages of Your Soybean Crop

August 27, 2020
The heat and drought in areas of the State are rapidly moving Nebraska’s 2020 soybean crop along. Growers have been asking how to determine late season growth stages for last irrigation of the season and for determining maturity.

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