Keith Glewen - Extension Educator Emeritus

Keith Glewen

volunteer, emeriti
1071 County Rd G Ithaca NE 68033-2234
Work 402-624-8030 On campus, dial 7-8030
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Keith Glewen is a University of Nebraska faculty member with a 100% Extension appointment in the Southeast Research and Extension Center District. He has regional and in some cases, statewide program responsibilities for agronomic and natural resource/environmental related issues, with particular emphasis in areas of agricultural profitability, on-farm research and soil and water management-stewardship. Recently, Glewen has focused his efforts on developing programs for industry consultants that support farm operators in the Midwest Region. Glewen has worked with faculty and stakeholders to successfully develop a Crop Management and Diagnostic Clinic at the University of Nebraska Eastern Nebraska Research & Development Center. Field based training sessions are offered during the growing season to provide crop consultants and industry agronomists with diagnostic training to enhance the application of best management practices in the production of row crops. In 2018, 242 participants representing 39 Nebraska Counties and 13 States estimated the value of this training to be $43.1 million dollars. In working with commodity boards, Glewen has secured funding to implement research and education programs. They have included, Soybean Management Field Days, Irrigation and Energy Management Field Days, Nebraska Soybean Day & Machinery Expo, Nebraska No-Till Conference and Nebraska Cover Crop Conference. Early in his career, Glewen developed a very effective program with farm operators focusing on transferring field research to the farm, entitled the Nebraska Soybean and Feed Grains Profitability Project. This project engaged farm operators in eight Nebraska counties conducting on-farm research. Today the project has expanded under the umbrella of the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network. Many of the above programs are based on partnerships developed through relative and effective programing during his career. Besides the above, Glewen has been effective in working with area farm operators in developing and growing effective corn and soybean commodity organizations, considered to be among the most active in Nebraska.

icon-documentPublications and Other Intellectual Contributions

  • 2017 Soybean Management Field Days Research Update, Soybean Management Field Days Research Update - 2017, December 2017

Faculty Bio

Test plots showing sorghum (center) and other crops double-cropped after field peas in Saunders County in eastern Nebraska.

Double Cropping Pulses with Short-Season Crops, Forages, and Cover Crops in Eastern Nebraska

September 6, 2018
A research project in eastern Nebraska is evaluating a double crop production system as a potential alternative to the traditional corn/soybean rotation. Following an early season crop of yellow field peas, short-season crops (corn, soybean, grain sorghum, millet and sunflower) and annual forages (forage sorghum and sorghum-Sudangrass) were planted.

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Map of the Corn Belt showing sites with above-, near-, and below-normal forecasted corn yields for 2018.

Aug. 22 Corn Yield Forecast: Shorter Crop Cycle Did Not Lead to Below-Average Yield

August 23, 2018
Corn progress and yield forecasts for 41 sites across the Corn Belt indicate near- or above-average yields for most sites. High temperatures early in the season increased the rate of corn development and led to a shorter crop cycle, but do not appear to have diminished yields.

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Chart of Nebraska corn yields trends from 1971 to 1917.

Soybean and Corn Yield and Acreage Trends

August 15, 2018
Nebraska soybean and corn yields have steadily increased from 1971 to 2017 in both irrigated and rainfed production systems. Nebraska irrigated soybean increased at a linear linear rate of 0.68 bu/ac, and irrigated corn increased at a rate of 2.17 bu/ac.

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Soybean research field

Field Case Study of Dicamba-Injured Soybeans using Forensic Analysis

August 8, 2018
A field of dicamba-injured soybeans is used as an example to demonstrate the forensic analysis method to determine when dicamba exposure occurred.

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Corn field
Rainfed corn near Grant, planted about May 27. (Photo by Alexander Tonon Rosa and Italo Kaye Pinho de Faria)

2018 Corn Yield Forecasts: Physiological Maturity Expected Before Historical Averages

August 2, 2018
Corn growth simulations across the Corn Belt indicate early corn maturity of one to two weeks for most sites. Simulated corn yields for rainfed and irrigated sites across the region near or above normal at most sites.

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Soybean leaf cupping

Understanding Growth Regulator Herbicide Injury

July 19, 2018
There are now five structurally different growth regulator herbicides, each of which affects plant growth differently. Understanding the differences can help you better identify the cause when you find damage in your field.

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Chart showing rate of soybean node accrual

Are Your Soybean Plants Exhibiting Dicamba-Induced Leaf Injury?

July 19, 2018
Learn how to examine plant development and use this forensic strategy to determine the approximate calendar date when the plants in your field were likely exposed to dicamba.

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Corn plots 7-9-18
Corn plots at the South Central Agricultural Laboratory near Clay Center on July 9, 2018. (Photo by Roger Elmore)

2018 Corn Yield Forecasts as of July 11: Higher Temperature Led To Faster Corn Development

July 13, 2018
Corn yield forecasts and crop growth stage estimates for the US Corn Belt, based on crop modeling and local input, start up this week for 2018. Corn development is well ahead of normal, with most sites in the central and southern fringes of the Corn Belt in the silking or grain-filling stages.

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