Jessica Groskopf - Extension Educator for Agricultural Economics

Jessica Groskopf

faculty, volunteer
4502 Ave I Scottsbluff NE 69361-4939
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  • BS, Colorado State University, 2010
  • MS, Kansas State University, 2011

Faculty Bio

Entering financial data on a laptop

Tips for Fixing Quicken Mistakes Quickly

November 29, 2018
With your December pre-tax planning meeting right around the corner, it is time to get your Quicken file in order. These tips can help you combat two frustrating problems common to making rapid-fire, catch-up journal entries.

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Nebraska map showing ethanol facilities and reported basis locations

The Evolution of Nebraska Corn Basis

September 6, 2018
Each year about 40% of Nebraska's corn is used to produce ethanol. This Cornhusker Economics article explores the changes in corn basis at five Nebraska locations since the implementation of the Renewable Fuels Standard in 2005.

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Graphic repeating the title: Will a Date-Driven Wheat Marketing Plan Improve Your Revenue?

Will a Date-Driven Winter Wheat Marketing Plan Improve Your Revenue?

August 28, 2018
This article evaluates various date-driven winter wheat marketing strategies, using 20 years of prices for Kimball, Nebraska. It compares each year’s average harvest price and the probability of the average price of a strategy being higher than the cash price at harvest.

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Two farmers standing in front of grain bins shaking hands
When terminating an oral or "handshake" land lease in Nebraska, notice needs to be made by Sept. 1, preferably by Registred Mail™.

Terminating a Verbal Farm Land Lease

August 23, 2018
When terminating an oral or "handshake" land lease in Nebraska, notice needs to be made by Sept. 1, preferably by Registered Mail™. Written leases are recommended in all circumstances to avoid misunderstandings or lease disputes.

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Chart of soybean prices

Tariffs and Soybeans. What Do We Know? What Can We Do?

July 11, 2018
New tariffs between China and the U.S. have prompted many questions about agricultural trade between these two nations, especially from soybean producers. This article offers an overview of soybean tariffs and what soybean farmers can do to reduce the impact of the recent price declines.

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Chart of corn futures prices

You can fill the bin, but can you empty it?

May 9, 2018
This is often a good time to monitor prices and market stored grain as many buyers may offer a price bump due to limited supply during the planting season. Also storing grain too long may result in a lower price per bushel than was available at harvest, nullifying the logic of placing it in the bin to begin with.

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Grain Market Outlook and Effective Grain Marketing Plan 2018

April 23, 2018
Resources for grain market prices and using them to develop an effective grain marketing plan for 2018.

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Corn floor price by coverage level for 2018 revenue protection coverage

Considering New Crop Insurance Prices and Volatility Factors

March 7, 2018
With a March 15 crop insurance deadline quickly approaching for many growers, university ag economists discuss points to consider and how to interpret this year’s crop insurance prices and volatility factors.

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