Jessica Groskopf - Extension Educator for Agricultural Economics

Jessica Groskopf

faculty, volunteer
4502 Ave I Scottsbluff NE 69361-4939


  • BS, Colorado State University, 2010
  • MS, Kansas State University, 2011

Faculty Bio

a chart

Two Types of Grain Marketing Workshops this Fall

October 10, 2017
Two grain marketing workshops will be offered at sites across Nebraska this fall to help grain producers minimize losses during this time of low prices. They are "Introduction to Futures and Options" and "Developing Grain Marketing Plans."

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Grain Marketing graphic
Grain marketing graphic

Developing a Grain Marketing Plan in 5 Easy Steps

October 6, 2017
If you didn’t know where to start or thought developing your own grain marketing plan was too difficult, check out these tips for writing and using a plan throughout the year to meet your goals.

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Grain bins
Figure 1. For some growers, on-farm storage of their wheat may be economically viable this fall.

On-Farm Storage Could Lead to Higher Returns for Farmers with Wheat in the Bin

August 30, 2017
Similar to the last two wheat marketing years, 2017/18 has started with high prices at harvest that have since declined. See how some of this price decline might be recaptured by pricing grain in on-farm storage for future delivery.

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Thoughts on the August 2017 USDA WASDE: Soybeans

August 17, 2017
The big surprise in the markets last week was the USDA World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimate (WASDE). The report projected U.S. average soybean yield 3.1 bushels per acre above the trend line at 49.6 bushels per acre. What can this mean for marketing your old crop soybeans or pricing this year's crop?

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Sample of corn basis chart

Tracking Grain Price Basis to Identify Trends

August 16, 2017
A new interactive, online tool can help you better understand and monitor local elevator basis levels and trends for corn, soybean, and wheat, which may help you garner a higher cash price for your grain.

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Farmers shaking hands

Terminating a Verbal Farm Land Lease

August 2, 2017
Some farm leases are not written, but are verbal or "handshake" agreements, the details of which may be remembered differently by both parties. This article addresses the deadline for giving termination notice for crop land leases (Sept. 1), how the requirements differ for crop and pasture lands, and links to sample written leases.

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Chart of historical soybean price trends after August WASDE report

Soybean Marketing: Preparing for the August WASDE Report

July 18, 2017
Mid- to late-summer price expectations and marketing strategies for old crop and new crop soybeans in light of the August WASDE report.

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Chart of wheat futures prices

Post-Harvest Winter Wheat Marketing Strategies

July 11, 2017
When developing a post-harvest marketing plan, your objective should be to obtain a higher price than the cash price offered at harvest. This article discusses five strategies to post-harvest market winter wheat.

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