An ear of corn

Corn and Soybean Continue Slightly Ahead of Normal

August 20, 2018

Crop condition reports remained high this week with good-to-excellent ratings for 84% of the state's corn crop and 81% of the state's soybeans, according to today's report from USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Progress was generally ahead of normal.

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a cornfield

Nebraska Corn, Soybean, Other Crops to Set Record Highs

August 10, 2018
USDA projects record highs in Nebraska for corn production and yield, soybean production and yield, sorghum yield, sugarbeet yield, and non-hay alfalfa production and yield.

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Crop Conditions Favorable; Progress On-Track or Ahead

August 6, 2018
Crop condition was rated high in the July 6 USDA NASS crop report: with good to excellent ratings for corn, 85%; soybean, 84%; and sorghum, 84% Corn and sorghum maturity were advancing ahead of normal.

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USDA NASS: Farm Real Estate Values and Cash Rent

August 3, 2018

Nebraska's farm real estate value, a measurement of the value of all land and buildings on farms, decreased from 2017, according to USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Farm real estate value for 2018 averaged $2,850 per acre, down $50 per acre (2%) from last year.

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USDA NASS: Winter Wheat Harvest 82% Done, Ahead of Average

July 23, 2018
Nebraska corn condition rated 87% good to excellent, with 82% at silking, well ahead of the five-year average of 68%. Soybean condition rated 85% good to average with 78% blooming, near the average.

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USDA NASS: 65% of NE Corn at Silking, Well Ahead of Normal

July 16, 2018
Corn silking was 65%, well ahead of 42% last year and 38% for the five-year average. Condition was 86% good to excellent.Soybean blooming was at 65%, ahead of the average of 53%. Condition was 83% good to excellent.

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USDA NASS: Wheat Combines Rolling; Other Crops on Pace

June 25, 2018
Winter wheat harvest is underway in Nebraska with 1% harvested as of Sunday, according to the June 25 USDA NASS Crop Report. Corn, soybean and sorghum progress were all on pace or slightly ahead of recent years.

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USDA NASS Crop Condition & Progress Report for Mid-June

June 12, 2018
This week's USDA NASS Nebraska Crop Condition Report rated corn as 86% good to excellent and soybean, 87%. Progress for both crops was similar to or ahead of 2017 and the average. Winter wheat condition was 68% good to excellent.

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