42% of Nebraska's Corn, 16% of Soybeans in the Ground
Corn planted was 42% done, near 46% for both last year and the five-year average, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service report for the week ending May 6. Two percent of the corn crop had emerged, behind 9% last year and the average of 10%.
Deadline Nears to Complete 2017 Census of Agriculture
Corn & Soybean Planting Forges Ahead
Seventeen percent of the state's corn had been planted by April 30, behind last year's 32% and the five-year average of 24%, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service crop report. Last week only 2% had been planted.
Soybean planting was 6% done, near last year's 7% and the average of 4%. Last week 1% had been planted.
Nebraska Corn and Soybean Planting Gets Started
For the week ending April 22, the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service reported corn planting in Nebraska at 2%, behind last year's 15% and the five-year average of 9%.
Wheat Condition 55% Good to Excellent
Winter Wheat 58% Good to Excellent
Winter wheat condition in Nebraska was rated 12% excellent, 46% good, 34% fair, 7% poor, and 1% very poor, according to the April 9 report from USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.