NASS Reports Winter Wheat Condition 59% Good to Excellent

November 27, 2017

Precipitation was limited and temperatures were warm (averaging 6-15 degrees above normal across the state), allowing for many areas to wrap up corn harvest, according to the November 27 report from USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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Corn Harvest Nears Completion; Wheat Condition Good

November 20, 2017

Corn harvest was 93% complete as of Sunday and near the five-year average of 95%, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service report for the week ending November 19.

Temperatures averaged near normal across eastern Nebraska, but six to ten degrees above normal in the west. Precipitation was limited, allowing good conditions for harvest.

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Number of Farm Workers Increases; Farm Wages Decrease

November 17, 2017

In the Northern Plains Region (Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota) 36,000 workers were directly employed by farm operators on farms and ranches during the week of July 9-15, up 6% from the July 2016 reference week, according to USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Workers numbered 40,000 during the week of October 8-14, up 18% from the October 2016 reference week.

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Nebraska Soybean Production up 4% from '16, Corn Down 2%

November 9, 2017
Based on November 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2017 corn crop is forecast at 1.66 billion bushels, down 2% from last year's production. The soybean crop is now forecast at a record 328 million bushels, up 4% from last year.

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Corn Harvest at 68%; Soybean at 95%

November 6, 2017
As of Nov. 6 USDA NASS estimated Nebraska corn harvest was 68% complete, behind 82% last year and 81% for the five-year average. Soybeans harvested was 95%, equal to last year, and near the five-year average of 98%.

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Combine harvesting corn

Corn Harvest at 45% Lags Average; Soybeans 89% Done

October 30, 2017
At 45%, Nebraska's corn harvest still lags last year (66%) and the five-year average (67%) will be slowed further in areas where high winds last week downed cornstalks and ears. Soybean harvest, however, is 89% done and near short- and longer term averages. Dry edible bean harvest was 96% done, but sorghum harvest was 47% done, well behind average.

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Mature corn and soybean at harvest time

With Above Normal Temps, Soybean and Corn Harvests Progress

October 23, 2017
Nebraska crop harvest was 67% complete for soybean, 26% for corn, 34% for sorghum, and 84% for dry edible beans, according to the Oct. 22 report from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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Corn harvest

USDA-NASS: Just 17% of Corn and 33% of Beans Harvested

October 16, 2017
As of Monday corn harvest was 17% done, well behind the five-year average of 39%, and soybean harvest was at 33%, well behind the average of 67%. Harvest progress in many other corn and soybean production states also lagged.

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