USDA NASS: Wheat Planting & Corn Harvest Lag
Winter wheat planting and corn harvest lagged a bit last week compared to previous years, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service report for the week ending Sunday, September 24. Temperatures averaged near normal across western Nebraska, but six to ten degrees above normal in the east.
Potato Production in Nebraska
Final production for the 2016 Nebraska potato crop totaled 7.38 million hundredweight (cwt), up 7% percent from 2015, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. Planted acres for 2016 totaled 16,500, up 6% from 2015.
Record High Harvests Forecast for Nebraska Corn and Soybean
USDA: Corn Maturity Lags Slightly; Soybeans on Track
Nebraska Farm & Ranch Expenditures Down from 2016
But Several Expense Categories Far Exceed National Averages
USDA NASS: Nebraska Crop Progress and Condition (July 17)
For the week ending July 16, temperatures averaged two to six degrees above normal, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Significant rainfall of an inch or more was received in the eastern half of Nebraska; however, the western half remained relatively dry. Winter wheat harvested was near completion in the southern counties.
USDA: Corn Silking Lags; Soybean Blooming Ahead of Normal
Temperatures in Nebraska averaged two to six degrees above normal for the week ending July 9, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. Moderate amounts of precipitation covered most of the western counties and eastern parts of the Panhandle; however, the eastern half of the State remained dry. Drier conditions allowed winter wheat harvest to progress.