Based on August 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2018 corn production is forecast at 1.83 billion bushels, up 9% from last year's production, according to an August 10 report from USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Acreage harvested for grain is estimated at 9.35 million acres, up 1% from a year ago. Average yield is forecast at 196 bushels per acre, up 15 bushels from last year. Both yield and production are new record highs if realized.
Nationally, corn production is forecast at 14.6 billion bushels, down less than 1% from last year. Based on conditions as of August 1, yields are expected to average 178.4 bushels per acre, up 1.8 bushels from 2017. If realized, this will be the highest yield on record for the United States. Area harvested for grain is forecast at 81.8 million acres, unchanged from the June forecast, but down 1% from 2017.
Soybean production in Nebraska is forecast at 332 million bushels, up 2% from last year, and a new record high if realized. Area for harvest, at 5.45 million acres, is down 4% from 2017. Yield is forecast at 61 bushels per acre, up 4 bushels from last year, and a record high if realized.
Nationally, soybean production is forecast at 4.59 billion bushels, up 4% from last year. Based on conditions as of August 1, yields are expected to average 51.6 bushels per acre, up 2.5 bushels from last year. Area for harvest in the United States is forecast at 88.9 million acres, unchanged from the June forecast, but down 1% from 2017.
Nebraska's 2018 winter wheat crop is forecast at 48.0 million bushels, up 2% from last year. Harvested area for grain, at 1.00 million acres, is down 2% from last year and a new record low if realized. Average yield is forecast at 48 bushels per acre, up 2 bushels per acre from 2017.
Sorghum production of 15.8 million bushels, is up 32% from a year ago. Area for grain harvest, at 155,000 acres, is up 15% from last year. Yield is forecast at 102 bushels per acre, up 13 bushels from last year, and a record high if realized.
Oat production is forecast at 2.43 million bushels, up 42% from last year. Harvested area for grain, at 45,000 acres, is up 10,000 acres from last year. Yield is forecast at 54 bushels per acre, up 5 bushels from 2017.
Dry edible bean production is forecast at 2.96 million hundredweight, down 24% from last year. The average yield is forecast at 2,410 pounds per acre, down 110 pounds from last year. Acres planted by class are as follows: Pinto, 61,800; Great Northern, 41,800; Light Red Kidney, 8,800; Chickpeas, 12,000.
Sugarbeet production is forecast at 1.51 million tons, up 5% from 2017. Area for harvest, at 45,500 acres is down 600 acres from last year. Yield is estimated at 33.9 tons per acre, up 2.1 tons from a year ago, and a new record high if realized.
Alfalfa hay production is forecast at 3.78 million tons, up 15% from last year. Expected yield, at 4.30 tons per acre, is up 0.35 ton from last year, and a new record high if realized. All other hay production is forecast at 3.33 million tons, up 16% from last year. Forecasted yield, at 1.80 tons per acre, is up 0.2 tons from last year. Both yield and production for all other hay are new record highs if realized.