Stevan Knezevic - Extension Weed Management Specialist

Stevan Knezevic

Work Keim Hall (KEIM) 102C
Lincoln NE 68583-0915
Work 402-472-6498 On campus, dial 2-6498

Faculty Bio

Field trial with one of the herbicides tested in popcorn

Weed Control and Response of Yellow and White Popcorn Hybrids to Herbicides

September 25, 2019
Research-based information on weed control and response of eight commercially available popcorn hybrids to several herbicides labeled for popcorn in Nebraska.

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Popcorn at V9 growth stage where PRE herbicide had been applied

Pre-emergence Herbicide Delays the Critical Time of Weed Removal in Nebraska Popcorn

September 9, 2019
Understanding the critical time of weed removal (CTWR) and how a pre-emergence herbicide application can shift it is helpful for designing the most efficient weed management program in popcorn.

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Suspected off-target dicamba injury to soybean. Cupped leaves are often indicative of dicamba injury. (Photos by Amit Jhala)
Figure 1. Suspected off-target dicamba injury to soybean. Cupped leaves are often indicative of dicamba injury. (Photos by Amit Jhala)

Dicamba Off-Target Injury Continues in 2019 in Nebraska

August 16, 2019
As the crop season progresses, questions about dicamba off-target injury in soybean, broadleaf crops, and trees are increasing in Nebraska. If you suspect off-target injury in one of your fields, here's a reminder of what to do.

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Registration Extended for Flame Weeding Workshop

August 9, 2019

The registration deadline for the Nebraska Extension FlameWeeding Workshop has been extended to Thursday, Aug. 15.

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Flame Weeding Workshop Aug. 19 at ENREC

July 22, 2019
Propane-fueled flame weeding is used in organic farming and interest in it is increasing among conventional producers due to increased weed resistance to herbicides and the costs of GMO crop seed.

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Register by July 30 for an Aug. 19 Flame Weeding workshop to be held at UNL ENREC.
Register by July 30 for an Aug. 19 Flame Weeding workshop to be held at UNL ENREC.

Register for Flame-Weeding Workshop by July 30

July 15, 2019

A full-day Flame Weeding Workshop will be held August 19 at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center near Mead.

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Injury from 1/10 Labeled Rate of XtendiMAX on R1 Roundup Ready Soybean

Effects of Dicamba Micro-Rates On Non-Dicamba-Resistant Soybean

June 6, 2019
The authors report on research to evaluate six micro-rates of two dicamba products on growth, development, and yield of three non-dicamba-resistant soybeans at three growth stages of application: second trifoliate (V2), beginning flowering (V7/R1), and full flowering (R2).

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Demonstration of 3-row flame weeder for agronomic crops

Save the Date: Flame Weeding Workshop Aug. 19

April 10, 2019
A full-day Flame Weeding Workshop with presentations and demonstrations will be held Aug. 19 at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center near Ithaca.

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