Stevan Knezevic - Extension Weed Management Specialist

Stevan Knezevic

Work Keim Hall (KEIM) 102C
Lincoln NE 68583-0915
Work 402-472-6498 On campus, dial 2-6498

Faculty Bio

Corn yield loss as influenced by three herbicide treatments

Critical Time for Weed Removal in Corn and Soybean is Delayed by PRE-Herbicides

January 9, 2019
Understanding the critical time for weed removal in corn and soybean would not only ensure effective weed removal and minimize unnecessary weed control inputs, but could potentially help minimize the development of herbicide resistance in weeds.

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Soybean damage from application of micro-rates of dicamba pesticide.

Effects of Dicamba Micro-Rates on Yields of Non-Dicamba Soybeans

January 9, 2019
This study looks at the sensitivity of non-DT soybean types (Conventional, Liberty Link, and Roundup Ready) to micro-rate applications of Clarity, Engenia, and XtendiMax at several growth stages.

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2018 Guide to Pest Management in Nebraska

Get a Free 2018 Guide to Pest Management in Nebraska

November 28, 2018
Copies of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Guide for Weed, Disease, and Insect Management in Nebraska are being made available free to make room for the 2019 Guide. Here's how to order yours.

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Field tour of purple loosestrife management study
Figure 1. Nebraska research showed the need for multiple years of treatment to achieve complete control of purple loosestrife. Choosing the right herbicide for the job and practicing patience and persistance were key to success. (Photos by Stevan Knezevic)

Research Update: Control of Perennial Invasive Weeds Requires Repeated Herbicide Applications

June 4, 2018
Research shows the need for patience and persistence when battling perennial weeds such as purple loosestrife over multiple years. The younger the stand the faster the control was achieved.

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Palmer amaranth
Figure 1. Palmer amaranth curling within a week of spraying a postemergence dicamba product to corn. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Considerations for Postemergence Dicamba-based Herbicide Applications to Corn

May 31, 2018
With postemergence herbicide applications occurring to corn, consider these best management practices to improve results and reduce the potential for off-target injury from your dicamba application.

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Figure 1. Cottonwood infestation in sub-irrigated meadow. This photo was taken during the period of high water table in early spring. (Photo by Stevan Knezevic)

Research Findings on Chemical Control of Cottonwood

May 22, 2018
Cottonwood offers many benefits, but also can be an invasive and difficult-to-control weed. Nebraska researchers studied control efficacy of eight herbicides over two years and found three products provided total control more than a year; however, they also noted a caution for areas with high water tables.

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Figure 1: Buckbrush (4-year-old plant) in pasture by Niobrara State Park in northeast Nebraska. (Photo by Stevan Knezevic)

Study: Efficacy of Herbicides in Buckbrush Control

May 22, 2018
A two-year weed management study in northeast Nebraska evaluated herbicide options for controlling buckbrush, a common perennial weed in Nebraska pastures and rangeland. One herbicide provided year-round control, while several others provided season-long control.

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Field trial comparing timing of soybean weed management
Figure 1. (left) Soybean without preemergence herbicide at V6 stage and (right) soybean with preemergence herbicide at V6 stage.

Preemergence Herbicides Delayed the Critical Time for Weed Removal in Soybean

May 16, 2018
Researchers tested two herbicide strategies in soybean to see how preemergence herbicides would delay the critical time of weed removal, likely reducing the number of herbicide applications needed in a season.

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