Rodrigo Werle - Cropping Systems Specialist

Rodrigo Werle

CW Welcome: New WCREC Cropping Systems Specialist
Twitter: @UNLCroppingSyst

In January 2018 Dr. Werle joined the Department of Agronomy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as an Extension Cropping Systems Weed Scientist. He can be reached at or 608-262-7130.

Graph showing level of damage compared with date of dicamba application

Results of 2017 Survey on Nebraska Soybean Farmers’ Adoption of Xtend Technology and Off-Target Dicamba Movement

December 14, 2017
In summer 2017, 312 Nebraska farmers from 60 counties responded to a survey on their perception on dicamba use in Xtend soybeans. The survey asked about outcomes of applying dicamba in Xtend soybeans and perceived injury in non-Xtend soybeans.

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Cover crops planted in corn.
Figure 1. Cover crops, mainly radishes and turnips, interseeded after male row destruction in a seed corn field near Shelby. (Photo taken September 7, 2016.)

Nebraska Farmers Share Cover Crop Why's and How's

September 6, 2017
How are Nebraskans using cover crops? A survey of Nebraska soybean, field corn, and seed corn producers and agronomists offers insights into why they've adopted cover crops and how they've integrated them into their cropping systems.

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Recap of 2017 Western Nebraska Wheat Crop and Implications for 2018

August 31, 2017
Some growers in western Nebraska had their best winter wheat yields ever in 2017 while others had some of their lowest yields. Moisture availability and disease were among the factors. See breakdowns by area.

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Nebraska Certified

Making the Case for Certified Wheat Seed

August 30, 2017
Planting certified wheat seed offers a number of advantages, often including the most recent genetics and higher yield and quality, over bin-run seed. And, when hidden costs are includes, costs for the two options can be similar.

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Students conducting cover crop research
Students collecting data in cover crop plots at North Platte. (Photo taken on October 15, 2016)

Research Update on Cover Crops after Winter Wheat Harvest

August 25, 2017
What was the effect on corn from cover crops planted after winter wheat and prior to corn in a fallow rotation using different planting dates and cover crop mixtures? In the first year of a three-year study in North Platte and Grant, researchers compared the effect of several systems on multiple variables and share findings and considerations for growers.

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Dicamba injury
Figure 1. Dicamba injury to 40 acres of soybean near Geneva due to volatility/temperature inversion. (Photo by Amit Jhala)

Tell Us about Your Dicamba Use and Suspected Injury in Soybean

August 18, 2017
Nebraska Extension educators and specialists would like to hear from growers and agribusiness about their experiences with dicamba this season. Information can be shared via an online survey or by contacting them directly with the email provided.

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NWS-Omaha map showing areas of below normal temperatures

Scout Corn Fields for Kernel Set

August 4, 2017
Considering the day to day and week to week variability in weather we’ve experienced and the wide range of regional conditions across Nebraska this year, scouting fields for kernel set and overall condition may be more important than ever. Check out these corn reports from across the state.

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Wheat streak mosaic virus in wheat
Severe wheat streak mosaic virus in a wheat field in Deuel County on May 15, 2017. (Photo by Stephen Wegulo)

Why Control of Volunteer Wheat is Critical to Protecting 2018 Yields

July 13, 2017
Timely control of volunteer wheat and other weeds is key to managing yield loss risk in your 2018 crop. Yield-limiting risk factors affected by weed control include wheat streak mosaic and other diseases, insects (wheat stem sawfly and disease vectors), moisture loss, and increased weed seed production.

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