Nathan Mueller - Former Extension Educator

Nathan Mueller Area: Saline, Jefferson and Gage Counties

Degrees and Certifications
B.S. Agronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2005
M.S. Agronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2007
Ph.D. Agronomy, Kansas State University, 2012
Certified Crop Adviser - NE #106079
Areas of Focus: Precision ag data management, on-farm research, soil fertility and plant nutrition, eastern Nebraska cropping systems
Twitter: @croptechcafe
Blog: Crop Tech Cafe

UNL variety trials conducted in eastern Nebraska are an important process to help guide grower’s variety selection.
Figure 1. UNL variety trials conducted in eastern Nebraska are an important process to help guide grower’s variety selection.

Winter Wheat Varieties with an Eastern Nebraska Fit

September 27, 2018
Winter wheat growers in eastern Nebraska will want to check out the newer winter wheat varieties described here as well as a table of comparable traits to aid in selecting a variety best suited for their operation.

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Soil erosion following heavy rains

Extension Crop Reports Sept. 11, 2018

September 12, 2018
Extension Educators from across the state report on crop progress in their areas. Generally crops are maturing quickly with the warmer temperatures this week. Stalk rots are a concern in corn and growers are encouraged to check fields and prioritize harvests accordingly.

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Chart of Nebraska corn yields trends from 1971 to 1917.

Soybean and Corn Yield and Acreage Trends

August 15, 2018
Nebraska soybean and corn yields have steadily increased from 1971 to 2017 in both irrigated and rainfed production systems. Nebraska irrigated soybean increased at a linear linear rate of 0.68 bu/ac, and irrigated corn increased at a rate of 2.17 bu/ac.

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Photos of two very different eastern Nebraska wheat fields
Figure 1. Photos of both of these eastern Nebraska wheat fields were taken June 16, 2018 and show the contrast between wheat grown in Thayer County (left) in southeast Nebraska where precipitation was much below normal and a field in Washington County in east central Nebraska where there was sufficient soil mosture throughout the season. (Photos by Brad Heinrichs (left) and Nathan Mueller)

Recap of 2017-18 Eastern Nebraska Winter Wheat Crop

July 25, 2018
Winter wheat yields in eastern Nebraska were quite variable in 2018, ranging from 10 to 80 bu/ac, depending on precipitation. This review of the growing season examines some of the factors affecting yields in southeast, east central, and northeast Nebraska.

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Late herbicide application in corn after hail
Figure 1. Late herbicide application in a corn field following a June hail event in Dodge County in 2014.

Weed Management Considerations Following Hail Damage to Corn or Soybean

July 12, 2018
Following a hail event, crop canopy development can be severely delayed or damaged, which can lead to increased weed development and pressure. This story looks at factors to consider when selecting among mid-season weed control options in storm-damaged fields.

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a flooded field
Figure 1. With more rains mid-week Logan Creek left its bank, covering farmland in its path in Dodge County (Photos by Nathan Mueller)

Information and Resources for Flooded Fields

June 28, 2018
Following heavy rains in northeast Nebraska this week, many growers are facing some tough decisions. This offers information and resources to aid in assessment and decision-making.

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2018 wheat with bacterial leaf streak

Bacterial Leaf Streak More Prevalent in Winter Wheat in 2018

June 22, 2018
Symptoms of bacterial leaf streak are increasing on flag leaves of winter wheat in east central Nebraska.

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Growers Share Wheat Condition, Yield Updates

May 3, 2018

The annual hard red winter wheat tour, sponsored by the Wheat Quality Council, was conducted this week throughout Kansas, parts of Oklahoma, and along a path traversing four southern counties in Nebraska (Figure 1).

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