Nathan Mueller - Former Extension Educator

Nathan Mueller Area: Saline, Jefferson and Gage Counties

Degrees and Certifications
B.S. Agronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2005
M.S. Agronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2007
Ph.D. Agronomy, Kansas State University, 2012
Certified Crop Adviser - NE #106079
Areas of Focus: Precision ag data management, on-farm research, soil fertility and plant nutrition, eastern Nebraska cropping systems
Twitter: @croptechcafe
Blog: Crop Tech Cafe

Field of winter wheat
Figure 1. Field of winter wheat seeded at the recommended time. (Photo by Bob Klein, taken April 12, 2018)

Winter Wheat Progress Across the State

April 26, 2018
Winter wheat in the Nebraska Panhandle continues to be rated above average with most of the wheat rated good to excellent. Winter wheat in the west central, south central, and eastern areas is more varied, as described in this wheat progress and condition report.

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Soybean fields in planting date study at UNL's East Campus
Planting date studies conducted on UNL's East Campus showed yield decreases of 1/4 bu/ac (2003) and 5/8 bu/ac (2004) for each day after May 1 that soybean were planted.

Amplifying Positive Impacts of Early Soybean Planting

April 19, 2018
The benefits of planting soybean near May 1 are well documented. Now, what are the next steps growers can take to further expand on these benefits? Are different maturity groups warranted? What groups are typically being used in irrigated and rainfed environments in Nebraska?

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Planning Ahead for Winter Wheat: Review Corn and Soybean Herbicide Programs

April 13, 2018
If you're considering planting winter wheat next fall, be sure to review the corn and soybean herbicide programs you plan to use this spring to avoid rotation restrictions that would limit your cropping options.

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Graph of yields from soybean population study

What On-Farm Research has Taught Us about Soybean Seeding Rates

April 6, 2018
More than a decade of on-farm research studies in Nebraska show how soybean seeding rates (and the related input costs) can be reduced without significantly affecting yield. See what growers learned and consider whether a change might benefit your bottom line.

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Join the Eastern Nebraska Winter Wheat Grower Email Group

April 5, 2018
A new email listserve offers eastern Nebraska winter wheat growers a means for asking questions and sharing information with other growers as well as getting weekly highlights and resources.

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NeATA 2017
Figure 1. Rachel Stevens, UNL MS student, discusses research with the multi-hybrid planters at the 2017 NeATA Conference. The 2018 conference looks at utilizing management zones in production agriculture and 16 more topics.

Conference to Highlight Latest Agricultural Technologies

January 26, 2018
The Nebraska Agricultural Technologies Association (NeATA) conference will feature a symposium on using management zones in production agriculture and new technologies Feb. 7-8 in Kearney.

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Figure 1. Various soybean varieties exhibit differences in Sudden Death Syndrome foliar symptoms. (Photo by Nathan Mueller)
Figure 1. Various soybean varieties exhibit differences in Sudden Death Syndrome foliar symptoms. (Photo by Nathan Mueller)

Large Check, Small Seed, Significant Impact

October 11, 2017
Seed selection is one of the first and most important management decisions you make. Consider the factors described here when deciding which corn hybrids and soybean varieties are apt to be top performers under your management and field conditions.

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Farm Progress Daily Wheat Interview
Farm Progress Daily Wheat Interview

Why Grow Winter Wheat in Eastern Nebraska?

August 31, 2017
The winter wheat varieties planted in eastern Nebraska today can yield upward of 140 bu/ac under good management and weather. If you haven't planted wheat in several years, consider today's advanced genetics and these other benefits from integrating wheat into your rotation.

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