Nathan Mueller - Former Extension Educator

Nathan Mueller Area: Saline, Jefferson and Gage Counties

Degrees and Certifications
B.S. Agronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2005
M.S. Agronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2007
Ph.D. Agronomy, Kansas State University, 2012
Certified Crop Adviser - NE #106079
Areas of Focus: Precision ag data management, on-farm research, soil fertility and plant nutrition, eastern Nebraska cropping systems
Twitter: @croptechcafe
Blog: Crop Tech Cafe

Corn seedling disease
Figure 1. Stunting, discoloration, damping off, and root rot are all common symptoms of seedling diseases, like the plant on the left compared to the healthy plant (right).

Seedling Diseases Developing in Corn

May 20, 2016
With cool wet conditions favorable for corn seedling disease development, growers are urged to scout for inconsistent stands and disease pressure. This week seedling diseases were documented in 10% of surveyed fields in Dodge County in eastern Nebraska, mostly in corn-after-corn fields in river valleys. Be sure to monitor seedling emergence and stand establishment across the state during the coming weeks so that if problems occur they can be detected as early as possible.

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Corn leafing out below ground
Corn leafing out below ground

Q and A: Should I Keep My Initial Corn Stand or Replant?

May 13, 2016
When deciding whether to replant a less than optimum corn stand, consider current stand, potential yield, and potential yield of replanted crop at this point in the season. The authors guide you through the process of assessing the stand, and next steps, if necessary.

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Corn seedlings in flooded field
Figure 1. Corn seedlings growing in flooded field.

How Saturated Soils Affect Germination, Seedling Growth

May 12, 2016

Similar to last year’s heavy rains in early May, rain on May 9 and May 10-11 in portions of Nebraska have caused ponding and flooding across some fields.  As of Sunday, May 8, USDA-NASS reported that 57% of Nebraska's corn was planted that is behind the 71% planting progress in 2015 but close to the

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Photos of canopy closure based on various planting dates
Figure 3. Canopy cover in early July for each planting date in a 2015 Nebraska study. Authors note that fields that have closed canopy and are "green to the eye by the 4th of July" make the best use of sunlight to generate top yields.PD = planting date.

Early Bird Gets the Worm: Benefits of Early Soybean Planting

April 20, 2016
Weather during the growing season (sunlight, temperature, and rainfall) will ultimately determine the soybean yield potential in a given year. While it is difficult to predict the weather ahead, you have an opportunity to manage your planting date to increase the odds of achieving a higher yield in 2016.

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Inoculating Your Soybeans: When, Where, Why?

April 20, 2016

Nebraska farmers must scrutinize inputs and focus on finding profit for their estimated 5.3 million soybean acres  in 2016.

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ILeVO Seed Treatment Shows Promise for Sudden Death Syndrome

April 6, 2016

As Nebraska farmers prepare for soybean planting, they have a new option for controlling sudden death syndrome (SDS).

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2016 Precision Ag Workshops: Get More Value From Your Data

November 25, 2015

Learn how to extract more information from your precision agriculture data at the 2016 Nebraska Extension Precision Ag Data Management workshops this January. Presentations and hands-on exercises will cover

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Assessing Corn Replant Options

May 22, 2015
Discussion of factors to consider when deciding whether to replant, including plant populations, yield potential, hybrid changes, and weed management.

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