Refine your Wheat Nitrogen Management through On-Farm Research
September 16, 2021
Are you interested in how agriculture technologies can improve nitrogen management on your farm?
Using Cover Crops to Reduce Nitrate Leaching in the Waverly Wellhead Protection Area
August 3, 2021
Nebraska Extension research on growing cover crops to reduce nitrate leaching and improving soil resilience in Nebraska communities where groundwater nitrate concentration in municipal wells is rising.
Results from Interseeding Cover Crops into Corn or Soybean
May 12, 2021
A summary of the studies conducted via Nebraska On-Farm Research and Soybean Management Field Days on interseeding cover crops into living corn and soybean.
Starter Fertilizer — When is it Needed?
April 3, 2024
As planting season begins, farmers often question if starter fertilizer is providing yield and economic benefits. This article reviews the two main reasons to use a starter and recommendations for a successful application.
Evaluation of Nitrification Inhibitors through the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network
April 7, 2021
This article summarizes the results of 10 on-farm research studies that evaluated similar inhibitor products. as part of the Precision Nitrogen Management on-farm research project.
Three Practices May Help Farmers Achieve Higher Soybean Yields, Profits
April 5, 2021
Results of an on-farm research study that evaluated three management practices — planting date, seeding rate and the use of foliar fungicides and insecticides — to increase soybean yields.
Effects and Economics of Grazing Cover Crops in a Three-Year Non-Irrigated Rotation
February 18, 2021
Nebraska Extension reveals findings from long-term crop and livestock system On-Farm Research study.
Growers Statewide to Share On-Farm Research via In Person and Online Events
January 29, 2021
The February meetings will feature discussion from growers who conducted on-farm research during the 2020 growing season.