Haishun Yang - UNL Associate Professor of Agronomy and Horticulture

Spring N application in the field
Growers planning for their 2019 N management in corn might consider the potential for increased N efficiency and reduced loss from split applications at planting and up to R3 growth stage rather than a fall application.

Consequences of Fall-Applied N

November 9, 2018
A fall nitrogen application has a relatively high loss potential and is considered the riskiest N management practice. Consider breaking tradition and splitting your N applications next year to coincide with when your corn most needs more N.

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Map indicating end-of-season deviations from average corn yields for select sites in the Corn Belt
Map indicating end-of-season deviations from average corn yields for select sites in the Corn Belt

Oct. 16 Corn Yield Forecast - End of Season Report

October 19, 2018
The end-of-season corn yield report finds that high temperatures during vegetative stages had little impact on forecasted yield potential. This is the final article in the series looking at simulated crop stages and yield forecasts for 41 locations across the US Corn Belt.

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Map of the Corn Belt showing sites with above-, near-, and below-normal forecasted corn yields for 2018.

Aug. 22 Corn Yield Forecast: Shorter Crop Cycle Did Not Lead to Below-Average Yield

August 23, 2018
Corn progress and yield forecasts for 41 sites across the Corn Belt indicate near- or above-average yields for most sites. High temperatures early in the season increased the rate of corn development and led to a shorter crop cycle, but do not appear to have diminished yields.

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Corn field
Rainfed corn near Grant, planted about May 27. (Photo by Alexander Tonon Rosa and Italo Kaye Pinho de Faria)

2018 Corn Yield Forecasts: Physiological Maturity Expected Before Historical Averages

August 2, 2018
Corn growth simulations across the Corn Belt indicate early corn maturity of one to two weeks for most sites. Simulated corn yields for rainfed and irrigated sites across the region near or above normal at most sites.

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Corn plots 7-9-18
Corn plots at the South Central Agricultural Laboratory near Clay Center on July 9, 2018. (Photo by Roger Elmore)

2018 Corn Yield Forecasts as of July 11: Higher Temperature Led To Faster Corn Development

July 13, 2018
Corn yield forecasts and crop growth stage estimates for the US Corn Belt, based on crop modeling and local input, start up this week for 2018. Corn development is well ahead of normal, with most sites in the central and southern fringes of the Corn Belt in the silking or grain-filling stages.

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Yield forecast locations

2018 Corn Yield Forecasts: Approach and Interpretation of Results

June 29, 2018
Here's how the Yield Forecasting Center will be developing corn yield forecasts for 41 locations across the Corn Belt during the 2018 crop season. Modeling, using Hybrid-Maize, weather data, and on-site verification help researchers estimate yields so growers can adjust management during the season, if necessary.

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N Management Decision Tree

Field- and Season-Specific N Rate Recommendation for Corn Using Maize-N Program

January 8, 2018
An article from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics on using Hybrid-Maize software to enhance nitrogen management in corn.

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Figure 1. Planting into cold soil (below 50°F) when cold conditions are expected for the next 48 hours can lead to germination problems and seedlings not emerging or not emerging well. 1a. Corn seedling that started leafing out below ground and now has twisted leaves which will delay or negate normal plant development.. Figures 1b-c. Unemerged seedlings attempting to leaf out belowground. None of the seedlings shown should be counted as a productive plant.
Figure 1. Planting into cold soil (below 50°F) when cold conditions are expected for the next 48 hours can lead to germination problems and seedlings not emerging or not emerging well. 1a. Corn seedling that started leafing out below ground and now has twisted leaves which will delay or negate normal plant development.. Figures 1b-c. Unemerged seedlings attempting to leaf out belowground. None of the seedlings shown should be counted as a productive plant.

Cold Soil Temperature and Corn Planting Windows

April 12, 2018
With stormy conditions back in the picture, many growers may be concerned about planting corn into cold, wet soils? By checking weather forecasts and soil temperature at planting (in the field and online) and the cold tolerance of seed, growers can identify 48-hour windows of opportunity for planting.

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