Preseason Hay Equipment Maintenance
Getting the Most Forage Value from Your CRP
With prior approval from your county FSA office, some Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres can now be periodically used as pasture or hay. If that is in your plans, take steps to make it work for you.
Pitfalls of Thickening Old Alfalfa Stands
If your alfalfa is looking a little thin, you may be tempted to add alfalfa to thicken the stand. Before you do, consider:
Take Advantage of Spring Moisture to Boost Pastures, Alfalfa
Most of us have more moisture in our soil profiles this spring than we’ve experienced in a long time. Following are some suggestions for how to take full advantage of this promising condition to better your pastures.
Wrapping Hay to Beat the Weather
Some years rain plays havoc with hay quality. When dark clouds are on the horizon some go ahead and bale the tough hay and hope it doesn’t spoil or get hot and burn. Others wait out the storm and cross their fingers that the rains will hit their row crop fields but miss their hay fields.
Controlling Winter Annual Bromes in Pastures with Herbicides
Cheatgrass, downy brome, wild oats. Last fall’s moisture is making these early weeds a big problem in pastures this spring, reducing pasture quality and carrying capacity.
What can you spray to get rid of winter annual weeds like these?
Pros & Cons of Using Companion Crops When Planting Alfalfa
Alfalfa often may be seeded with a companion crop like oats to control weeds and erosion and provide a crop of grain or hay. Clear seeding alfalfa alone, without a companion crop, also works well. A preplant herbicide like trifluralin, Balan or Eptam often is sprayed and incorporated first to control weeds in a clear seeding, but a herbicide isn't always necessary. So, which p
Consider Double Cropping Forages on Crop Ground
Can’t make money on your crop ground and need more pasture? Double cropping annual forages may be a better option.