Raise Cutting Height When First Alfalfa Harvest Is Delayed
Rain has delayed the first alfalfa cutting for many folks. If you haven’t taken the first cutting yet, you may want to make some adjustments in how you cut it. Even if it is not blooming heavily, you might be surprised to find it already has started to grow your next cutting.
Harvesting Small Grain Cereals for Hay or Silage
The rye, triticale, and other small grains you planted last fall are starting to grow tall and should be harvested for hay or silage soon. While they may not be as good feed as corn silage or alfalfa hay, they can provide good feed when harvested and fed correctly.
Time First Alfalfa Cutting to Best Fit Your Needs
Assessing Freeze Injury to Alfalfa
While several areas of the state experienced lows below 28°F this week, widespread alfalfa losses are not expected at this time.
If you're concerned about whether your alfalfa may have suffered frost injury, remember that frozen alfalfa usually needs some time to recover before damage can be estimated.
Postemergence Weed Control in Alfalfa
Are you finding weeds in your new alfalfa? Vigorous weed growth this spring may make it extra tough for your seedlings as weeds reduce growth of new alfalfa by shading and competing for moisture.
Putting Carryover Hay to Good Use
If you were left with more hay than you expected after the open winter, save some in case of drought and then plan how to use the rest strategically to extend its value.
Wrapping Hay to Beat the Weather
If rain damage often plagues your hay making, you might consider using plastic wrap this year. Try baling it tough, then wrapping it with stretch plastic wrap to keep water and air out while keeping nutrients in.
Firm Seedbeds For Planting Grasses And Alfalfa
Before planting alfalfa or grass this spring, take time to ensure that your seedbed is firm and ready to nurture seedlings.
Walk acoss the field, looking back at your footprints. Do you sink in more deeply than the soles of your shoes or boots? If so, your seedbed may be too soft.