Bruce Anderson - Emeritus Extension Forage Specialist

Bruce Anderson

Work Keim Hall (KEIM) 314
Lincoln NE 68583-0915
Work 402-472-6237 On campus, dial 2-6237
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Applying Manure Before Seeding Alfalfa

April 7, 2017
If you're looking for a place to spread manure, a heavy dose before planting alfalfa can pay big dividends. Applying manure before seeding alfalfa may seem counter productive since alfalfa is not likely to benefit from any nitrogen in the manure, but manure also is rich in phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, and many micronutrients that alfalfa needs in large quantities.

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Pre-Season Alfalfa Irrigation May be Advisable

March 23, 2017
With low soil moisture levels in many areas of the state, early spring often is the best time to irrigate alfalfa. A good goal would be to have at least six feet of soil at field capacity at first cutting. Irrigating now also helps build a reserve water source to encourage deeper rooting.

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Reduce the Cost of Planting Roundup Ready Alfalfa

March 23, 2017
Roundup Ready alfalfa seed can be expensive, but establishing a new field may not cost as much as you think if you follow these recommendations.

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Consider Planting Grass-Alfalfa Mixtures this Year

March 22, 2017
Are you planting a new hay field this year? Instead of automatically planting pure alfalfa, consider mixing grass into your planting. A grass-alfalfa mixture that includes orchardgrass, smooth brome, festulolium, or other grasses offers several advantages and may be the best choice for your operation.

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Prescribed burn
Conducting a prescribed burn can improve CRP or pasture, but needs to be done in communication with local permitting offices to ensure safety and that only targeted areas are affected. (Photo by Jim Stubbendieck)

Use Care When Burning Grasslands

March 22, 2017
Prescribed burning CRP or pasture can improve stands, prepare them for interseeding, control weeds and trees, enhance wildlife habitat, and improve forage quality, but it must be done safely. The best time is from mid-April to early May when warm season grasses are just starting to grow.

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cattle grazing pasture

Pasture Rental Rates

March 16, 2017

What should it cost to rent pasture this year? Preliminary results from the Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Survey (Tables 1 and 2) released this week list average pasture rental rates by district and quality level as well as rates for cow-calf pairs.

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cattle grazing cool-season grasses
Figure 1. With grain prices down and input costs up, converting cropland to pastureland could create a profit opportunity for 2017. A successful and cost-effective conversion starts with careful planning. (Photo by Jerry Volesky)

Converting Cropland to Pastureland

March 16, 2017

At a time when crop production costs remain high as crop prices decline and cattle compete for scarce pastures, converting cropland to pasture might make sense. If you’re considering this change, take time to plan and do it right.

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Checking Alfalfa For Winter Injury

March 10, 2017

Alfalfa had started to green up and grow in many areas prior to this cold spell. When growth begins again, stands need to be evaluated soon.

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