Amit Jhala - Extension Weed Management Specialist

Dicamba injury in soybean
Dicamba injury in soybean

Soybean Production and Dicamba Use Survey

August 3, 2018
Growers, crop consultants, and other stakeholders are invited to take an online survey on new soybean production and weed management systems.

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Chart showing percentage use of pre-emergence herbicides among corn and soybean growers

Nebraska's Top Weed Problems and Most Common Herbicides

July 26, 2018
The results of a 2015 survey on Nebraska's top weed challenges and how growers and agribusiness were responding was recently published in the journal Weed Technology.

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Soybean leaf cupping

Understanding Growth Regulator Herbicide Injury

July 19, 2018
There are now five structurally different growth regulator herbicides, each of which affects plant growth differently. Understanding the differences can help you better identify the cause when you find damage in your field.

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Chart showing rate of soybean node accrual

Are Your Soybean Plants Exhibiting Dicamba-Induced Leaf Injury?

July 19, 2018
Learn how to examine plant development and use this forensic strategy to determine the approximate calendar date when the plants in your field were likely exposed to dicamba.

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Dicamba injury to soybean
Figure 1. Suspected off-target dicamba injury to soybean. (Photo by Amit Jhala)

Dicamba Off-Target Injury Reports in Nebraska

June 29, 2018
Suspected off-target dicamba injury has been reported in several Nebraska counties.

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Figure 1. Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth infesting corn field in south central Nebraska. (Photo by Amit Jhala)
Figure 1. Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth infesting corn field in south central Nebraska. (Photo by Amit Jhala)

Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Field Day July 11

June 25, 2018
Is glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth a growing challenge? View field demonstrations and hear from experts at the Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Management Field Day Wednesday, July 11 at Carleton.

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Volunteer corn in soybean
Figure 1. Several herbicide options are available for managing volunteer corn in soybean. Management in corn will be more challenging. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Control of Volunteer Corn in Soybean and Corn

June 1, 2018
Volunteer corn is a competitive weed in the corn/soybean cropping system and if not controlled, may result in a yield penalty and contribute to survival of gray leaf spot and western corn rootworm. Consider these options for managing volunteer corn in soybean and corn.

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Clump of volunteer corn in corn
Figure 1. Corn losses last fall are leading to widespread volunteer corn in crop fields this season. If not controlled, they could lead to yield reductions. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Impacts of Volunteer Corn on Crop Yields

June 1, 2018
University research conducted in several Midwest states indicates the impact of volunteer corn on corn, soybean, dry bean, and sugarbeet yields.

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