Amit Jhala - Extension Weed Management Specialist

Liberty Link soybeans
Figure 1. Control of glyphosate-resistant common waterhemp with Valor XLT applied PRE followed by Liberty in Liberty Link soybean (Photos by Amit Jhala).

Liberty Label Revision Allows Rate Increase

July 13, 2017
Liberty has revised its label to provide for an increased application rate in corn and soybean. View the new label rates for corn and soybean with a cumulative maximum per year of 87 fl oz/acre for either crop.

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Dicamba injury
In Figure 1a the field on the right, with heavier crop residue, shows dicamba-tolerant soybeans that had been sprayed with new generation dicamba. The field on the left, non-dicamba-tolerant soybeans planted side-by-side without a buffer, shows symptoms of injury caused by dicamba, the consequences of spray drift or volatilization. Figure 1b illustrates how dicamba affects newer growth more than older leaves. (Photos by Tim Creger, Nebraska Department of Agriculture)

Dicamba Injury Symptoms on Sensitive Crops

June 28, 2017
Dicamba-resistant soybean, genetically engineered to provide resistance to dicamba and glyphosate, was made commercially available for the 2017 growing season. This article looks at potential dicamba injury to sensitive crops and plants.

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Palmer amaranth in corn
Figure 1. Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth infesting corn field in south central Nebraska. (Photos by Amit Jhala)

Grower Q&A: Is this Herbicide-Resistant Palmer Amaranth?

June 23, 2017
This week growers facing challenges with Palmer amaranth questioned whether it was due to the product, the environment and lack of rain, or a resistant weed. Several factors could be at play, notes a UNL weed scientist, who recommends starting with preemergence herbicides with residual activity to get the best control.

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Weed escapes in soybean after preemergence application
Figure 1. A soybean field in south central Nebraska without preemergence herbicide application. Applying a well-timed postemergence herbicide will be the only control option. (Photos by Amit Jhala)

Consider Application Restrictions of Postemergence Herbicides Based on Soybean Growth Stage

June 19, 2017
It's important to consider soybean growth stage and preharvest interval when applying postemergence herbicides to avoid potential crop injury. This article describes how to determine crop growth stage and includes a table of application restrictions for common postemergence herbicides.

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Corn field with severe weed population
Figure 1. A corn field in south central Nebraska without preemergence herbicide application. Applying a well-timed postemergence herbicide will be the only control option. (Photos by Amit Jhala).

Consider Corn Growth Stage When Applying Postemergence Herbicides

June 14, 2017
When applying postemergence herbicides, consider corn growth stage, weed species present, and crop and weed heights. The article includes how to determine corn growth stage, recommendations to avoid problems, and a table of application restrictions for common postemergence herbicides.

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Volunteer corn in a soybean field
Figure 1. Soybean field infested with volunteer corn in southcentral Nebraska.

Control of Glyphosate-Resistant Volunteer Corn in LibertyLink Soybean

June 12, 2017
Controlling glyphosate-resistant volunteer corn is a major challenge in some soybean fields this year as preemergence herbicides aren't very effective. Postemergence herbicides will be critical to its management.

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Soybean seedling damage due to PPO-inhibitor herbicide

PPO-Inhibiting Herbicides and Soybean Seedling Injuries

June 5, 2017
Cool, wet soil conditions in late April and May may have enhanced the potential for soybean injury from PPO-inhibiting herbicides. The author describes plant injury symptoms to look for when scouting young soybean seedlings.

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Glyphosate-resistant marestail

Postemergence (Rescue) Herbicide Options for Control of Glyphosate-Resistant Marestail in Corn and Soybean

May 24, 2017
Several factors have contributed to delayed applications and marestail escapes this spring. Includes recommendations for timely postemergence control in corn and soybean.

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