Amit Jhala - Extension Weed Management Specialist

Uuncontrolled giant ragweed

Planting Interval of Corn and Soybean after 2,4-D/ Dicamba Burndown Application

April 7, 2017
With cold, wet conditions in March, many producers may be facing a smaller than expected window for making their herbicide burndown applications in April. This makes timely applications now even more important to provide for a proper interval before planting this year.

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Status of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds in Nebraska

March 20, 2017
Nine weed species in Nebraska have now evolved resistance to at least one group of herbicides. Six weed species — common ragweed, common waterhemp, marestail, kochia, giant ragweed, and Palmer amaranth — have confirmed resistance to glyphosate. Rotate herbicide sites of action and weed control practice to avoid contributing to this trend.

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glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth
Figure 1. A female glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth plant in a soybean field in south-central Nebraska. This plant has the capacity to produce up to half a million seeds. (All photos by Parminder Chahal)

Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Confirmed in South-Central Nebraska

March 15, 2017

Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.) is a C4 dioecious species (separate male and female plants) native to the southwestern United States.

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Marestail seedling and field infested with marestail
Figures 1 (inset). Marestail plant forming rosette in spring. Figure 2. Corn field infested with glyphosate-resistant marestail in eastern Nebraska. (All photos by Debalin Sarangi).

When is a Good Time to Scout and Control Glyphosate-Resistant Marestail?

March 8, 2017

Marestail, also known as horseweed or Canada fleabane, is a winter or summer annual weed in Nebraska. Historically, marestail was found in waste area, field edges, along roadsides, and railway tracks; however, no-till crop production systems over the last 20 years favor marestail germination and establishment in agronomic crops in Nebraska.

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Soybean field treated with Sonic herbicide

New Soybean Herbicides for 2017

March 6, 2017
Information on new soybean herbicides, incuding their modes of action

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New Corn Herbicides for 2017

February 24, 2017
Information on new herbicides for corn that will be available for the 2017 crop production season.

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Section of the Herbicide Classification Chart
Section of the Herbicide Classification Chart

2017 Chart for Selection of Herbicides Based on Site of Action

February 2, 2017
Management of glyphosate-resistant weeds is now the greatest challenge for Nebraska crop producers and land managers. The 2017 Herbicide Classification Chart from Take Action Against Weeds is an easy means for identifying herbicide site of action to avoid repeated use of the same action on the same field.

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Jhala Receives Early Career Outstanding Weed Scientist Award

February 1, 2017
Amit Jhala, Nebraska Extension weed management specialist and frequent contributor to CropWatch, has been honored with an Early Career Outstanding Weed Scientist Award by the Weed Science Society of America. This award recognizes outstanding contributions made by an early career weed scientist in research, extension, and/or teaching in the US. Jhala joined the University of Nebraska-Lincoln faculty in 2012 and has a split appointment in research and extension in the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture.

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