Amit Jhala - Extension Weed Management Specialist

Field trial with Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans and a pre and post herbicide application.

Understanding the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend™ Soybean Weed Management System

November 11, 2016
A new soybean cultivar with dicamba-tolerant Roundup Ready 2 Xtend™ soybean is expected to be planted on over 15 million acres in 2017, offering an additional means of managing herbicide-resistant weeds. The weed management system, which was tested the last four years in Nebraska trials, provides for use of Roundup Xtend™ of XtendiMax™ (dicamba).

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Q&A: Which formulation of 2,4-D is preferred for fall application?

November 4, 2016
Answers to three grower questions on fall herbicide application in row crops.

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Debalin Sarangi, weed science postdoctoral research associate, describes the key identifying characteristics of broadleaf and grass weed species during weed management field day
Figure 1. Debalin Sarangi, weed science postdoctoral research associate, describes the key identifying characteristics of broadleaf and grass weed species during a 2016 weed management field day.

New Herbicides & Managing Multiple Herbicide-Tolerant Crops

July 28, 2016
In Nebraska, eight weed species (common ragweed, common waterhemp, giant ragweed, kochia, marestail, Palmer amaranth, redroot pigweed, and shattercane) have been confirmed resistant to at least one herbicide.  Six of them — common ragweed, common waterhemp, giant ragweed, kochia, marestail, and Palmer amaranth — have been confirmed resistant to glyphosate in Nebraska. This article reviews information presented at the Weed Management Field Day at the UNL South Central Ag Lab, focusing on field demonstrations and methods to reduce the development of further herbicide resistance.

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Figure 1. Amit Jhala, Extension Weed Management Specialist discussing weed control and crop safety in new multiple herbicide-tolerant soybeans.
Figure 1. Amit Jhala, extension weed management specialist, discussing weed control and crop safety in new multiple herbicide-tolerant soybeans.

142 Attend 2016 Weed Management Field Day

July 11, 2016

UNL weed management research was featured and demonstrated at the 2016 Corn and Soybean Weed Management Field Day June 29 at UNL’s South Central Agricultural Laboratory (SCAL) near Clay Center. Amit Jhala, Extension weed management specialist, organized and led the tour.

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Resistant Palmer Amaranth Management Field Day at Shickley

June 8, 2016

Nebraska Extension will be hosting a Resistant Palmer Amaranth Management Field Day Tuesday, July 12, near Shickley to demonstrate control options in corn. Keynote speaker will be Jason Norsworthy, professor and endowed chair of Weed Science at the Unversity of Arkansas. Norsworth has documented eight herbicide-resistant weeds in Arkansas, including glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth.

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June 29 Weed Management Field Day
June 29 Weed Management Field Day

Weed Management Field Day June 29 at Clay Center

May 26, 2016

Growers, crop consultants and educators are encouraged to attend Nebraska Extension's Weed Management Field Day from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 29 at the South Central Agricultural Laboratory near Clay Center.

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Herbicide field trial
Herbicide field trial

Acuron™: A New Corn Herbicide

May 19, 2016
As growers look for new opportunities to rotate herbicide active ingredients, combination herbicides may offer the benefits they're looking for. Acuron™ is a combination of four herbicide active ingredients: atrazine (10.93%), bicyclopyrone (0.65%), mesotrione (2.6%), and S-metolachlor (23.4%) plus the safener benoxacor. Acruron may be used pre-emergence and post-emergence in field corn, seed corn, and silage corn. Acuron may also be used in sweet corn and yellow popcorn, but the application must be made prior to crop emergence or serious crop injury may occur.

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New Chart Aids Selection of Diverse Site of Action Herbicides

May 10, 2016
A new herbicide selection chart can help growers select products with diverse modes and sites of action which, in turn, will help reduce the development of herbicide-resistant weeds.

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