Jhala Receives Early Career Outstanding Weed Scientist Award
Understanding the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend™ Soybean Weed Management System
Q&A: Which formulation of 2,4-D is preferred for fall application?
New Herbicides & Managing Multiple Herbicide-Tolerant Crops
142 Attend 2016 Weed Management Field Day
UNL weed management research was featured and demonstrated at the 2016 Corn and Soybean Weed Management Field Day June 29 at UNL’s South Central Agricultural Laboratory (SCAL) near Clay Center. Amit Jhala, Extension weed management specialist, organized and led the tour.
Resistant Palmer Amaranth Management Field Day at Shickley
Nebraska Extension will be hosting a Resistant Palmer Amaranth Management Field Day Tuesday, July 12, near Shickley to demonstrate control options in corn. Keynote speaker will be Jason Norsworthy, professor and endowed chair of Weed Science at the Unversity of Arkansas. Norsworth has documented eight herbicide-resistant weeds in Arkansas, including glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth.
Weed Management Field Day June 29 at Clay Center
Growers, crop consultants and educators are encouraged to attend Nebraska Extension's Weed Management Field Day from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 29 at the South Central Agricultural Laboratory near Clay Center.