Palmer Amaranth and Velvetleaf Control in Conventional Soybean Using Overlapping Residual Herbicide Programs
April 30, 2020
With the depressed corn and soybean prices in recent years in the United States, growers have shown interest in conventional soybean. Herbicide programs should be selected carefully that provide season-long weed control.
Timing is Critical for Applying PPO-Inhibiting Pre-emergence Residual Herbicides in Soybean
April 22, 2020
Soybean planting is about to start in Nebraska and it’s time to select pre-emergence herbicides to be applied in soybean. Protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO)-inhibiting herbicides are one of the key components of weed management in soybean.
Consider Label Restriction of Soybean Herbicides Based on Geographical Region in Nebraska
April 16, 2020
There are several herbicides that cannot be applied in certain areas of Nebraska based on number of factors such as high soil pH, dry soil conditions, potential for carryover injury, etc.
How Previous Year's Soybean Herbicides Can Affect Planting of Corn, Sweet Corn, and Popcorn This Year
April 7, 2020
While corn growers are getting ready for planting in 2020, it is important to pay attention to the planting interval of corn to herbicides applied the previous year in soybean.
Burndown and Pre-emergence Herbicides for Weed Control in Corn and Soybean
April 2, 2020
Profitable crop production starts with a weed control program that includes pre-plant and/or pre-emergence herbicides to deliver long-lasting, residual weed control. A spring burndown program in corn and soybean provides effective weed control to prepare for planting and helps to decrease the seedbank during the season.
Take Action Free Webinar Series: Weed & Herbicide Management
February 24, 2020
The United Soybean Board (USB) Take Action initiative and university weed scientists across the Midwestern United States have developed a free webinar series covering various weed and herbicide management topics.
2020 FAQ for RUP Dicamba Herbicides (FeXapan™, Engenia®, XtendiMax® and Tavium®)
December 17, 2019
This Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) addresses grower questions on dicamba training, record keeping, and application for the 2020 crop season. Additional training is required for all applicators of restricted use dicamba products.
Weed Control and Response of Yellow and White Popcorn Hybrids to Herbicides
September 25, 2019
Research-based information on weed control and response of eight commercially available popcorn hybrids to several herbicides labeled for popcorn in Nebraska.