CE09-25-09 Nebraska Ag Water Network

September 25, 2009

UNL Extension Tools You Can Use

From its start in 2005 with 15-18 cooperators, the Nebraska Agricultural Water Management Demonstration Network (NAWMDN) has grown to more than 220 producers, crop consultants, and NRCS and Extension personnel in 36 counties across Nebraska.

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CW09-10-02 Market Journal

October 2, 2009

On this week's Market Journal, Extension Host Doug Jose talks with:

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CW09-25-09 Market Journal

September 25, 2009

On this week's Market Journal:

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9-11-09 NASS Yield Forecasts

September 11, 2009

Based on September 1 conditions, Nebraska’s corn crop is forecast at a record high 1.55 billion bushels, 2% above last month and 11% above last year, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Nebraska Field Office.

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CW 9-11-09 NASS Crops

September 11, 2009

Weather Wrap-Up

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CW 9-11-09 Forecast

September 11, 2009

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CW9-11-09Models Show Freezing Temps

September 14, 2009

Weather models are currently showing a surge of freezing temperatures dropping into the northern Corn Belt September 24-29, with the most likelihood of killing freezes expected Sept. 28.

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