UNL CropWatch Nov. 20, 2009 Crop Production Clinics Topics, Locations, & Schedule

November 20, 2009

Improving profitability and farm safety will be core topics of the 2010 Crop Production Clinics scheduled for nine locations this January.

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UNL CropWatch Nov. 25, 2009 Hamilton County Farm & Financial Management Programs

November 25, 2009

UNL Extension in Hamilton County will be hosting three farm financial management workshops this winter. For more information on any of these events, please contact the Hamilton County Extension Office at 402-694-6174.

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CW 09-12-17 Review of 2009 West Central Nebraska Crop Season, Particularly Corn & Whea

December 18, 2009

In the following article Bob Klein, extension crops specialist at UNL’s West Central Research and Extension Center at North Platte, reviews the 2009 crop production season in west central Nebraska.

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CW 09-12-17 Winter Forecast for Above Normal Precipitation, Below Normal Temperatures

If this winter resembles the past couple of months, we are likely in store for a wild roller coaster ride. So far we have seen the second coldest October on record since 1896 and the snowiest on record for a large swath of western Nebraska. November will likely rank as one of the 10 driest and 15th warmest.

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Fertilizer Bargains May be Available for 2010

December 18, 2009

Fertilizer prices on world markets dropped significantly last winter, but because of the buying cycle it has taken until this year for those lower prices to be reflected at local dealer levels. What’s on the horizon for world (and local) prices this coming season?

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CW 09-12-17 Herbicide Update for 2010 Crop Season

December 17, 2009

Herbicides Labeled for Use in Multiple Crops

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CW 10-1-4 Agribenchmarking -- Nebraska Data on a Global Scale Seminar in Scottsb

January 4, 2010

Nebraska Crop Production Economic Data, Worldwide Research Topic of Jan. 8 Seminar

Economic data from crop production in Nebraska and how it is being used in a worldwide research effort, will be the topic of a public seminar presented Friday, January 8, in Scottsbluff.

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CW 09-12-22 Spring 2010 Agronomy Professional Development Courses

December 22, 2009

Some Classes Start January 11

This spring the UNL Department of Agronomy and Horticulture will offer a selection of courses for producers, crop consultants, and others in the agriculture industry. Some of the courses extend over a period of weeks, while others cover most of a semester.

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