Biofuels Forum on Improved Corn Ethanol Efficiency February 27

February 27, 2009 At this month's UNL Biofuels Forum UNL Researcher Adam Liska will present information from his recent research paper detailing the life cycle energy and greenhouse gas analysis of corn ethanol.

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Farmers and Ranchers College to Host an Evening of Humor

February 27, 2009 If the nightly news has been a little gloomy lately, take heart. The Farmers and Ranchers College and UNL Extension are hosting Staying Alive, a humorous presentation for farm families, on March 17 in Sutton.

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Market Journal: Positive Outlook for Corn and Soybean Markets

February 27, 2009

Commodity prices will come back.

That's the message from one of the guest speakers on this week's Market Journal, which was filmed at the annual Women in Agriculture Conference in Kearney this week.

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Market Journal: Reducing Soil Erosion with No-till Practices

February 13, 2008


Farmers using no-till have found savings in fuel, labor, water and time and have reduced their soil loss. Paul Jasa, UNL extension agricultural engineer, and Dan Gillespie, a Battle Creek, Nebraska farmer, discuss how producers can update and implement proven conservation practices, such as no-till, to reduce inputs.

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Cornhusker Economics Conference in February at Five Locations

February 11, 2009 The fourth annual Cornhusker Economics Management and Outlook Conference will cover key economic topics affecting farm management and production decisions for 2009.

Conference Schedule

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Yeutter Leads List of Notables for Governor's Ag Conference

February 11, 2009 "Nebraska Agriculture in an Era of Change" will be the theme of the 2009 Governor's Ag Conference March 4-5 at the Holiday Inn Convention Center in Kearney.

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Webcast to Provide Tips on Conserving Nitrogen in Feedlots

February 11, 2009 A webcast Feb. 20 will offer tips on conserving valuable nitrogen from cattle feedlots and confinement facilities.

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Prescribed Burn Schools Scheduled for February

February 11, 2009 The Prescribed Burn Task Force in west central Nebraska is hosting four prescribed burn schools in February, said Lara Fondow, Quail Forever wildlife biologist and task force president.

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