Farm grain bins
Figure 1. The various sized bins on this farm allow for storing different moisture contents. Wetter, more dense grain works well in the smaller bins so that more airflow per bushel can be delivered. Drier grains where aeration is the primary need store well in the larger bins. If the grain is wetter, drying grain in layers can help increase airflow per bushel. (Photo by Paul Jasa)

Natural Air Drying of Binned Soybeans

September 20, 2017
If soybeans were harvested above 13% moisture, natural air drying can be used to reduce moisture to 13% for longer term storage. How long that drying takes will vary with several factors. This guide can help you estimate the length of drying for your soybean moisture, aeration system, relative humidity and temperature.

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Adjusting the combine feeder house chain with green soybeans can help optimize harvest.

Equipment Adjustments for Harvesting Soybeans at 13%-15% Moisture

September 15, 2017
When harvesting higher moisture soybeans, adjustments to your combine and your practices can help minimize challenges in the field, making it easier to achieve a recommended average soil moisture level of 13%.

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harvesting unloading soybeans

Plan Harvest to Deliver Soybeans at the Optimum Moisture

September 1, 2020
Most soybeans are harvested and delivered directly to an elevator. Soybeans delivered below or above 13% moisture—the elevator standard—lose potential profit. The economics illustrated here show how harvest timing can affect potential income.

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Soybean field
Average soybean yield in the north central region from 2010-2014 was 43 bushels per acre, yet some producers reached soybean yields over 80 bushels per acre. Nebraska researchers relied on producer data to identify causes of that yield gap.

Why Are Yields From Some Soybean Fields Much Higher Than Others?

August 31, 2017
Researchers at the University of Nebraska worked with growers to identify causes of yield gaps in soybean production systems in the north central US.

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White mold in soybean

White Mold More Common This Year in Soybean

August 24, 2017
The increased levels of white mold that growers are finding in soybean this year are likely due to cool wet conditions at bloom, when the initial infection actually occurred.

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Thoughts on the August 2017 USDA WASDE: Soybeans

August 17, 2017
The big surprise in the markets last week was the USDA World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimate (WASDE). The report projected U.S. average soybean yield 3.1 bushels per acre above the trend line at 49.6 bushels per acre. What can this mean for marketing your old crop soybeans or pricing this year's crop?

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Sudden deaht syndrome in soybean
Sudden death syndrome in soybean

Sudden Death Syndrome Starting to Show up in Soybeans

August 16, 2017
Sudden death syndrome often appears in small patches of a field and can be confused with injury from brown stem rot. This story and two field videos examine SDS symptoms and how to differentiate it from other diseases. Once confirmed in a field, management begins with seed selection for the next crop.

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