NDA Website

NDA Dicamba Update: Registration and Use on Soybeans in 2018

January 11, 2018
Dicamba registration might be the biggest issue the Nebraska Department of Agriculture Pesticide Program has faced since the program began in 1994, writes Tim Creger, NDA pesticide/fertilizer program manager. He discusses the issues and concerns that need to be fully understood for everyone to move into the 2018 growing season with their eyes wide open.

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New Extension Training Available for Applicators of RUP Dicamba

January 10, 2018
Online training is available for Nebraska applicators who plan to use new restricted use pesticide (RUP) dicamba products in 2018. Nebraska Extension, working with the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, developed the core curriculum, which is also being used for training at Crop Production Clinics and some in-person training sites.

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Dicamba injury at various growth stages
Dicamba injury at various growth stages

Research on the Impact of Dicamba Micro-Rates on Non Dicamba-Tolerant Soybeans

January 10, 2018
Research at the university's Haskell Ag Lab at Concord in 2016 and 2017 studied the effects of microrates of two dicamba products applied at one of three soybean growth stages. The trials showed that non-dicamba tolerant soybeans were sensitive to even very low micro-rates of Engenia and XtendiMax; response varied according to amount and growth stage, with exposure at later stages having less effect.

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Grower examining a new sprayer at the Soybean Day and Machinery Expo
Growers can get the latest research updates for soybeans and view machinery and commercial exhibits at the Nebraska Soybean Day and Machinery Expo Thursday, Dec. 14.

Nebraska Soybean Day and Machinery Expo Dec. 14

November 17, 2017
Dicamba issues and recommendations for achieving more precise herbicide applications are among the timely pest management and production topics slated for this year's Nebraska Soybean Day and Machinery Expo December 14 in Wahoo.

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market journal

Market Journal Looks at Market Response to USDA Crop Report

November 17, 2017
This week's Market Journal looks at how to select for Bt traits to protect corn from insects, the corn and soybean markets, how La Niña could impact weather conditions in the US and South America, and this week's forecast.

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Soil Sample

Quality SCN Samples are Part Science, Part Art

November 9, 2017
Taking quality soil samples to test for SCN is part science and part art. The science is in how the samples are taken, while the art is in where they're taken to capture the best snapshot of SCN conditions. You'll want to consider these recommendations for getting the most from your SCN sampling this fall.

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Nebraska Soybean N Trials
Figure 1. Photos of one site of the Nebraska Extension Soybean Management Field Day research (2013) that compared the effects of several nitrogen treatments on soybeans. Pictured is the zero N control on the left and the 400 lbs/ac split N application on the right. Averaged over four sites the control yielded 73.4 bu/ac and the 400 lbs N averaged 78.9 bu/ac. (To view the results from this study, see https://go.unl.edu/smfdresults2013, pages 1-6.)

Nitrogen on Soybeans — the Hope Never Dies

November 6, 2017
Nebraska Soil Scientist Charles Shapiro offers a synopsis of two new publications, both with University of Nebraska authors, that address the question of the nitrogen deficit between soil supply and nitrogen fixation and what affects whether increased nitrogen leads to increased yield.

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Dectes stem borer
Figure 1. Dectes stem borer in soybean (Photos by Kyle Broderick)

Check for Dectes Stem Borer Damage in Soybeans

October 27, 2017
The dectes stem borer has been expanding its range in Nebraska and university entomologists are now receiving damage reports from eastern Nebraska.

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