Soybean fields in planting date study at UNL's East Campus
Planting date studies conducted on UNL's East Campus showed yield decreases of 1/4 bu/ac (2003) and 5/8 bu/ac (2004) for each day after May 1 that soybean were planted.

Amplifying Positive Impacts of Early Soybean Planting

April 19, 2018
The benefits of planting soybean near May 1 are well documented. Now, what are the next steps growers can take to further expand on these benefits? Are different maturity groups warranted? What groups are typically being used in irrigated and rainfed environments in Nebraska?

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Planning Ahead for Winter Wheat: Review Corn and Soybean Herbicide Programs

April 13, 2018
If you're considering planting winter wheat next fall, be sure to review the corn and soybean herbicide programs you plan to use this spring to avoid rotation restrictions that would limit your cropping options.

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Soil moisture sensor only partially installed due to dry ground

Determining Beginning Soil Moisture for Planning Decisions

April 12, 2018
Soil moisture sensors installed now can provide valuable information for dryland producers who want to determine existing soil moisture level and adjust cropping or planting plans accordingly. The authors installed and will be monitoring soil moisture readings at six sites in south central Nebraska.

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Cold germination test of seed

Cold Germination Test for Corn and Soybeans

April 10, 2018
A cold germination test is used to evaluate the emergence of a seed lot in cold wet soils. Developed to simulate adverse field conditions, it is the most widely used vigor test for corn and soybean.

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Graph of yields from soybean population study

What On-Farm Research has Taught Us about Soybean Seeding Rates

April 6, 2018
More than a decade of on-farm research studies in Nebraska show how soybean seeding rates (and the related input costs) can be reduced without significantly affecting yield. See what growers learned and consider whether a change might benefit your bottom line.

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On-farm grain bins

USDA: Nebraska Corn Stocks Down, Soybean Stocks Up from 2017

March 30, 2018
Nebraska grain stock reports for corn, soybean, sorghum and wheat as well as national data for corn, soybean and wheat, as reported by the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).

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Figure 1. A ragweed plant rises above neighboring soybean. Researchers believe ragweed caused reduced soybean yields in this study by competing for sunlight. (Photo by Ethann Barnes)
Figure 1. A ragweed plant rises above neighboring soybean. Researchers believe ragweed caused reduced soybean yields in this study by competing for sunlight. (Photo by Ethann Barnes)

University Research: Ragweed Can Pose a Serious Threat to Soybean Yield

March 30, 2018
Once thought to be an innocent bystander to field crop production, common ragweed can "drastically reduce soybean yields," according to University of Nebraska-Lincoln research. In dense populations, the loss was shown to be 40-76%.

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Soybean and corn fields

Nebraska Prospective Corn Acreage Drops 3%; Soybeans Drop 2%

March 29, 2018
Nebraska prospective plantings for 2018 for corn, at 9.3 million acres, are down 3% from 2017. Nebraska soybean prospects, at 5.6 million acres, are down 2% from 2017. Find more prospective plantings at the state and national levels.

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