Plant Diagnostic Clinics

Effective management strategies to control plant diseases are based on proper and rapid identiication of the problem. UNL offers two Plant Diagnostic Clinics — one in Lincoln and one in Scottsbluff.

All samples submitted to these clinics require a Sample Submission Form.

Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic in Lincoln

Located in the Department of Plant Pathology, this facility provides diagnostic services in plant pathology, entomology, horticulture and weed science. In addition to accurate diagnosis of your pest problems, you will be provided with current information about the disease and management recommendations. Learn more about services and how to submit a sample

Panhandle Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab in Scottsbluff

Located at the Panhandle Research and Extension Center at Scottsbluff, this lab focuses only on plant disease identification. Most of its samples are of sugar beets or soil samples from sugar beet fields. However, diagnostic services are provided for any diseases encountered in the Panhandle.