Todd Whitney - Extension Educator

Todd Whitney

1308 2nd St Holdrege NE 68949-2803
Download vCard for Todd Whitney

Area: Furnas, Gosper, Harlan & Phelps Counties
Extension Focus: Cropping systems, soil nutrients and manure management, water quality
Programming: Statewide Primary Issue Team – Protecting Water Quality and Soil Resources for Agriculture, Businesses and Communities; Other programs – Private Applicator Certification Training; Commercial Pesticide Re-Certification Training; Chemigation Certification Training; Nebraska Extension On-Farm Research Regional Network; Manure Management Field Day; Weed Resistance; Crop Recovery from Harsh Environmental Factors

Prescribed burn image
When preparing for a prescribed burn, remember that warm-season grasses are best burned from mid-April to early May. (Photo by Troy Walz)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Grazing Small Grains and Prescribed Burning

March 31, 2021
With the onset of April, Extension experts stress the need for preparing and finalizing your forage grazing and prescribed burning plans.

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Alfalfa field

Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Weeds and Thinning Stands

March 10, 2021
In a new Pasture and Forage Minute, Todd Whitney shares tips on best spraying practices for alfalfa weeds, and Ben Beckman explains why putting off the chore of replacing alfalfa stands could be costing your operation.  

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wheat variety trial in Nebraska field

Winter Wheat Varieties With an East and South Central Nebraska Fit

September 1, 2020
Variety selection and disease management in this higher rainfall region of Nebraska are the two most important management factors driving yield.

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alfalfa weevil feeding on trifoliates

Extension Crop and Pest Reports (May 25-29)

May 28, 2020
Extension educators report on what they are seeing in the fields this week in the panhandle, Nemaha, Furnas, Gosper, Harlan, Phelps, Platte, Boone, and Nance counties.

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An ear of corn

How Does Cool Cloudy Weather Affect Corn During Grain Fill?

September 20, 2019
Cool or cloudy weather in late August during the grain-fill period can enhance or reduce yield, often depending on whether there's an early frost.

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Tweet from Justin McMechan on scouting for soybean gall midge

Extension Crop and Pest Reports (July 29 - Aug. 2)

August 1, 2019
Crop reports from Extension Educators and specialists from across the state, including videos and Tweets.

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Extension Crop Reports (July 22-26)

July 22, 2019
Crop reports from Nebraska Extension educators and specialists across the state are added as they become available throughout the week.

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Baled soybean residue in a field
Figure 1. Baled soybean residue (Photo by Todd Whitney)

What is the Value of Soybean Residue?

December 13, 2018
This Q&A addresses questions about baling soybean residue, including its nutrient value and comparison with other sources, economic value, and what should be considered when deciding whether to bale soybean residue.

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