Todd Whitney - Extension Educator

Todd Whitney

1308 2nd St Holdrege NE 68949-2803

Area: Furnas, Gosper, Harlan & Phelps Counties
Extension Focus: Cropping systems, soil nutrients and manure management, water quality
Programming: Statewide Primary Issue Team – Protecting Water Quality and Soil Resources for Agriculture, Businesses and Communities; Other programs – Private Applicator Certification Training; Commercial Pesticide Re-Certification Training; Chemigation Certification Training; Nebraska Extension On-Farm Research Regional Network; Manure Management Field Day; Weed Resistance; Crop Recovery from Harsh Environmental Factors

Soybean harvest residue
With higher hay prices and forage shortages this year, interest has grown in baling soybean residue; however, it's important for producers to weigh the costs — including potential erosion and nutrient removal — against current market value to calculate the cost effectiveness for their operations.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Baling Soybean Residue, Winterizing Alfalfa by Growing Degree Days

October 11, 2022
Higher hay prices and forage shortfalls have many producers considering baling soybean residue, but it's important to first analyze the cost effectiveness. Plus — concerns on nightshade and winterizing alfalfa.

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Frozen sorghum-sudangrass
Once a freeze occurs, it takes seven days for prussic acid to dissipate from forage sorghum species like sorghum-sudangrass. The hours immediately after a frost have the highest level of toxic compounds in these plants.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Forage Drought Recovery, Prussic Acid in Sorghum

October 5, 2022
Extension educators share insights on the drought recovery process for pastures, how to graze forage sorghum species after freezing temperatures and how to capture the best nutrition from grazing crop residue this fall.

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Cattle grazing cornstalks
Safely grazing drought-stressed cornstalks can be accomplished with an appropriate grazing plan and fencing precautions.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Grazing High Nitrate Cornstalks, Late Summer Weed Control

September 14, 2022
Extension Educator Todd Whitney reveals techniques to safely graze drought-stressed cornstalks — plus, more on late summer weed control and planting small grains for spring forage.

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Alfalfa harvest

Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Irrigation and Last Cutting, Winter Annual Brome Control

September 8, 2022
Tips on scheduling final irrigation and last cutting for alfalfa this fall, and controlling cheatgrass and wild oats in pastures.

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With its rapid regrowth rates, orchardgrass is an excellent option to add to a cool-season grass mixture for late summer forage planting.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Valuing Drought Forage, Late Summer Planting, Managing High Nitrates

August 24, 2022
Insights on how forage prices should be adjusted this year for droughty crops, the optimal grasses for late summer forage planting and how to manage high nitrates in forages.

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Corn silage
For high quality silage, inoculants alongside proper harvesting and storage can reduce the risk of spoilage and maintain its condition.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Considerations for Inoculants, Thinning and Heat-stressed Alfalfa

August 11, 2022
Extension recommendations on using inoculants to preserve corn silage quality, the best grasses to interseed in alfalfa and timing for cutting alfalfa hay in heat-stressed conditions.

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Drought-stressed corn
If considering drought-stressed corn for livestock feed this year, remember to check the labels of any chemicals applied to the corn for grazing, haying or harvesting restrictions.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Managing Volunteer Wheat, Drought-stressed Corn Options

July 27, 2022
Solutions for managing volunteer wheat in cooperation with neighbors, grazing heat-stressed forages and deciding on a course for drought-stressed corn.

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Cutting hay
An important, yet often overlooked, way to determine when to cut grass hay is what quality of hay is needed on the operation.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Considerations for Cutting Hay, Controlling Bluegrass

June 28, 2022
Extension educators discuss some often overlooked factors for determining a grass hay cut date, and share recommendations on timing irrigation for more effective control of bluegrass in alfalfa.

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