Pasture and Forage Minute: Small Grain Harvesting for Forage, Management Strategies for Musk Thistle, Pasture Fertilizer
May 18, 2022
Extension educators review the pros and cons of harvesting small grains for forage this year, and share tips on how to control musk thistle and fertilize warm-season grass pastures.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Improving Alfalfa Production, Alternative Forages in a Drought
April 12, 2022
Extension educators review the best ways to assess alfalfa stands and improve the first cutting, plus options for alternative forage for drought-stressed fields.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Seed Selection, Planting
March 3, 2022
Nebraska Extension educators review tips for selecting alfalfa seed traits and spring planting strategies.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Inventorying Forage Supply
February 1, 2022
With increasingly dry conditions in Nebraska, now is a good time to take stock of remaining hay and forages to make timely adjustments on your winter feed strategy.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Planning 2022 Forages, Alfalfa Fertility
January 12, 2022
Extension educators discuss the importance of analyzing last year's forages to improve production in 2022, and how to maximize your fertilizer investment dollars in alfalfa fields.
Pasture and Forage Minute: RFV and RFQ Explained, Pasture Fertilization Costs
December 21, 2021
Nebraska Extension Educator Ben Beckman breaks down Relative Feed Value and Relative Forage Quality and how to use these values to estimate feed quality, and Todd Whitney discusses whether fertilizer investments are cost-effective right now.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Fall Grazing and Pasture Management
October 5, 2021
Extension Educator Todd Whitney explains why it's best to graze grain sorghum stover before corn residue, plus a rundown on improving hay and crop residue through ammoniation and proper care of fall pastures for best plant health through the winter.
Pasture and Forage Minute: Overgraze Pastures Now to Prep for Interseeding Legumes Next Spring
September 22, 2021
This week, Extension Educator Ben Beckman explains how to produce nitrogen in a pasture by interseeding legumes — plus, a review on testing hay for its quality and baling corn stalks for forage.