Todd Whitney - Extension Educator

Todd Whitney

1308 2nd St Holdrege NE 68949-2803

Area: Furnas, Gosper, Harlan & Phelps Counties
Extension Focus: Cropping systems, soil nutrients and manure management, water quality
Programming: Statewide Primary Issue Team – Protecting Water Quality and Soil Resources for Agriculture, Businesses and Communities; Other programs – Private Applicator Certification Training; Commercial Pesticide Re-Certification Training; Chemigation Certification Training; Nebraska Extension On-Farm Research Regional Network; Manure Management Field Day; Weed Resistance; Crop Recovery from Harsh Environmental Factors

Thunderstorm over pasture

Pasture and Forage Minute: Rain and Hail Damage, Preventing Window Disease

June 20, 2022
Extension insights on reducing rain damage to hay, assessing hail damage to forage crops, and preventing window disease in alfalfa. 

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Pasture and Forage Minute: Selecting the Right Herbicide, Irrigating Alfalfa and Poison Hemlock

June 6, 2022
Tips on selecting the right herbicide for your operation, overcoming challenges to irrigating alfalfa and poison hemlock management.

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Frost damaged soybeans
Heavy residue area with frost-damaged soybean plants. Several rows impacted like this make replant decisions more difficult as often what is seen is the entire length of the field isn’t impacted, just areas of several rows with heavier residue. At first glance, these plants may all seem dead, but it’s been interesting to see what may be surviving when the residue is pulled back. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Assessing Plant Recovery and Replant Considerations

May 27, 2022
Nebraska Extension recommendations on evaluating fields that were affected by crusting, hail, wind and frost damage this past week in order to make plant recovery or replant decisions.

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Silage making

Pasture and Forage Minute: Small Grain Harvesting for Forage, Management Strategies for Musk Thistle, Pasture Fertilizer

May 18, 2022
Extension educators review the pros and cons of harvesting small grains for forage this year, and share tips on how to control musk thistle and fertilize warm-season grass pastures. 

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Pasture and Forage Minute: Improving Alfalfa Production, Alternative Forages in a Drought

April 12, 2022
Extension educators review the best ways to assess alfalfa stands and improve the first cutting, plus options for alternative forage for drought-stressed fields.

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Alfalfa field

Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Seed Selection, Planting

March 3, 2022
Nebraska Extension educators review tips for selecting alfalfa seed traits and spring planting strategies.

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Cattle eating hay

Pasture and Forage Minute: Inventorying Forage Supply

February 1, 2022
With increasingly dry conditions in Nebraska, now is a good time to take stock of remaining hay and forages to make timely adjustments on your winter feed strategy.

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Alfalfa field

Pasture and Forage Minute: Planning 2022 Forages, Alfalfa Fertility

January 12, 2022
Extension educators discuss the importance of analyzing last year's forages to improve production in 2022, and how to maximize your fertilizer investment dollars in alfalfa fields.

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