Robert Klein - Western Nebraska Crops Specialist

Robert Klein

faculty, emeriti
402 W State Farm Rd North Platte NE 69101-7751
Work 308-696-6705 On campus, dial 7-6705
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Emeritus Professor and Extension Cropping Systems Specialist, 2019

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Maximum daily temperature and humdity recorded at Harvard in June 2017
Maximum daily temperature and humdity recorded at Harvard in June 2017

Potential Off-Target Dicamba Movement from Corn Applications

February 15, 2018
While the new soybean dicamba herbicides were often blamed for injury to sensitive plants in 2017, a deeper look at the timing of injury and the weather conditions at those times suggests dicamba applications in corn may have contributed to plant injury in many areas. Increased management for all dicamba applications will be needed in 2018.

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An eastern Nebraska field with dicamba injury.
This eastern Nebraska soybean field was injured by off-target dicamba movement to a sensitive crop. Applying best management practices to all dicamba applications can help reduce the likelihood of similar whole-field damage in 2018.

Can We Manage Dicamba Applications in 2018?

February 15, 2018
Factors leading to dicamba injury and how growers will need to practice best management practices with all dicamba applications in 2018 to help reduce injury to susceptible crops and other plants. This article discusses key practices to implement.

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Sprayer hose test

Removing Dicamba Residues from Your Sprayer: A Tricky Task

February 15, 2018
Thoroughly cleaning your sprayer both before and after applying dicamba is required and can help reduce the potential for off-target damage. Check these recommended practices and see what research at Mississippi State University found when testing sprayer hoses.

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Graph showing level of damage compared with date of dicamba application

Results of 2017 Survey on Nebraska Soybean Farmers’ Adoption of Xtend Technology and Off-Target Dicamba Movement

December 14, 2017
In summer 2017, 312 Nebraska farmers from 60 counties responded to a survey on their perception on dicamba use in Xtend soybeans. The survey asked about outcomes of applying dicamba in Xtend soybeans and perceived injury in non-Xtend soybeans.

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Crop Budget title page

Nebraska Crop Production Budgets Updated for 2018

December 6, 2017
The 78 Nebraska Crop Budgets for 2018 include five new budgets relative to corn-soybean rotations and updated costs for inputs, machinery operation, ownership, and service. The budgets are grouped by crop and provided in two formats: PDF and an editable Excel spreadsheet that allows users to customize the budget to reflect their operation.

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Raking Downed corn

Grower Experiences with Picking Up Downed Corn

November 6, 2017
This photo series of grower solutions illustrates several non-livestock options for picking up corn on the ground, including the use of a rake and combine with a pick-up attachment.

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Figure 1. It's likely that a combination of factors this year led to weakened corn ear shanks, large ears, and stalk and ear rots which together may have contributed to increased ear dropping.
Figure 1. It's likely that a combination of factors this year likely led to weakened corn ear shanks, large ears, and stalk and ear rots which together may have contributed to increased ear dropping.

Potential Reasons for Weakened Ear Shanks and Ear Loss

November 3, 2017
While sustained high winds for several days in late October was likely the final catalyst, a number of factors may have led up to increased ear drop in corn. This article looks at potential factors throughout the season that may have eventually led to a challenging harvest.

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Figure 1. The new dicamba and Enlist herbicides require specific nozzle types for application. Check the product label before spraying to ensure you have the correct nozzle. (Photos by Bob Klein)
Figure 1. The new dicamba and Enlist herbicides require specific nozzle types for application. Check the product label before spraying to ensure you have the correct nozzle. (Photos by Bob Klein)

University & Sprayer Co. Experts to Address Dicamba and Enlist Application

November 2, 2017
Learn how to achieve maximum performance while avoiding injury to conventional and non-Xtend soybeans at a Nov. 15 Sprayer Clinic. The clinic, which will be held at the University of Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis, will focus on application of the new dicamba and Enlist herbicides.

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