Sprayer Clinic on New Dicamba and Enlist Products Nov. 15
Spraying the new dicamba herbicide formulations (Xtendimax, Fexapan and Engenia) in soybeans requires good stewardship to obtain maximum performance while avoiding injury to conventional and non-Xtend soybeans and other vegetation.
Enlist™ corn will be available in 2018 and again good stewardship will be required to achieve maximum performance when spraying Enlist Duo and Enlist One while not injuring susceptible vegetation.
To provide more information on applying the new formulations, a sprayer clinic will be held Wednesday, November 15 at the University of Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis starting at 12:30 p.m. The first part of the clinic will be held in the Nebraska Ag Industry Education Center, where spraying the new dicamba formulation and new Enlist Duo and Enlist One will be discussed. At 1:30 p.m. participants will move to the Livestock Teaching Center, where a variety of sprayers will be displayed and technicians will be available to discuss the features of each sprayer.
This clinic will be of great value to those already spraying the new dicamba formulation or those considering spraying dicamba or the new Enlist Duo and Enlist One. It will also offers an opportunity to learn about the new sprayers and technology.
For more information on the sprayer clinic, contact Robert Klein, Nebraska Extension western Nebraska crops specialist, at 308-696-6705, robert.klein@unl.edu, or Brad Ramsdale, associate professor of agronomy at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis at 308-367-5225, bramsdale2@unl.edu.
CCA credits are available for participating in the clinic.
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