Evaluation of Digital Ag Tools on Soybean Stand Count
November 30, 2023
Determining early-season soybean stand count is critical for informed decisions on potential replanting. This study explores the application and accuracy rate of drone technology for stand count assessments.
The Importance of Maintaining High Uniformity of Water Application of Center Pivot
November 30, 2023
For optimal crop production, it's crucial that a center pivot distributes water uniformly across the field. In this UNL project, researchers studied the impacts of center pivot maintenance in a low-yielding Nebraska field.
How to Estimate Harvest Losses in Soybean and Corn Fields
October 5, 2023
Knowing where grain losses occur is key to keeping them as low as possible — in this article, extension educators review how to calculate pre-harvest and at-harvest grain losses to determine the source.
Confronting Cropping Challenges Program to be Offered in November and December 2022
November 8, 2022
This year's program will provide growers with extension insights on corn tar spot, drift management and drought-related considerations such as irrigation, and herbicide and nutrient carryover.
Preventing Weed Seed Distribution from Combines
September 22, 2022
Weed seeds accumulate in different parts of a combine during harvest, encouraging weed growth in new fields; however, weed seed distribution can be reduced by targeting specific areas of the combine for a quick clean-out at the end of the day.
Confronting Cropping Challenges Program to be Offered in December 2021
November 17, 2021
The fifth annual Confronting Cropping Challenges program will highlight cropping issues for northeast Nebraska producers throughout 2021, such as fall armyworms and tar spot.