Cover Crop Utilization, Implications for Cropland Lease Arrangements in 2024
August 23, 2024
The long-term environmental benefits of cover crops often extend beyond the duration of current lease agreements, leading to considerations in lease negotiations, particularly regarding rental discounts for tenants who plant cover crops.
USDA Reports on 2023 Nebraska Land Values and County-level Cash Rent Estimates
October 18, 2023
According to USDA estimates, Kansas, New Jersey and Nebraska have experienced the highest increases in U.S. cropland value this year.
Quarterly Webinar Series Addresses Nebraska Land Management Issues
January 23, 2020
The Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will continue its webinar series, “Land Management Quarterly,” on Feb. 17 at 6:30 p.m. CST.
Nebraska Farm Real Estate and Financial Considerations in 2020
December 13, 2019
Agricultural producers face challenging financial circumstances on their cropland in 2020. While the upcoming production year provides a potentially better outlook, challenges remain for profitability and the health of the operation.
End-of-Season Issues Focus of Ag Land Management Webinar Nov. 18
November 5, 2019
The Nov. 18 Agricultural Land Management webinar will focus on end-of-season topics, including county-level cash rental rates, closing out 2019 leases while preparing for 2020, and resources for flood-related prevented plant acreage.
Historical Analysis of Prevent Plant Cropland in Nebraska
October 16, 2019
How does this year's prevented planting compare with the last 10 years? Every season has its challenges, but heavy spring precipitation and flooding made this year one for the record books.
Accounting for Risk: Agricultural Land Leases and Natural Disaster
August 16, 2019
The 2019 floods and related natural disasters left many landlords and tenants wondering how resulting damages would influence their agricultural properties across Nebraska. This article provides guidance on evaluating damages, considerations for remediating land issues, and natural disaster lease provisions.
USDA Reports 400,000 Acres of Prevented Plant Cropland in Nebraska
August 15, 2019
Crop producers across Nebraska reported more than 400,000 acres as prevented plant in 2019, ranking 16th nationally. How typical was your county? View county and state numbers from the USDA Farm Service Agency.