Jim Jansen - Agricultural Economist

Jim Jansen

57905 866 Rd Concord NE 68728-2828
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  • MS, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2012
  • BS, South Dakota State University , 2010

Jim Jansen is an agricultural economist with the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center. His current outreach efforts focus on farm management and land economics. He conducts the annual UNL Nebraska Farm Real Estate Report and serves as a member of the extension team providing risk management outreach.

Figure 1. Research in northeast Nebraska indicates that adding alfalfa to a corn-soybean rotation can reduce nitrate in the aquifer while increasing profit.

Adding Alfalfa to Corn-Soybean Rotation can Increase Profit, Reduce Nitrate Leaching

July 31, 2019
University research shows that adding alfalfa into corn-soybean rotations can help reduce the loss of nitrate to and increase the extraction of nitrate from aquifers while improving profitability.

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Field of diverse cover crops
Field of diverse cover crops

Cover Crop Use and Implications for Cropland Lease Arrangements in 2019

July 8, 2019
Cover crops were planted on almost 750,000 acres in Nebraska in 2017, the last year of the USDA Ag Census. A recent Cornhusker Economics reports cover crop acreage by county as well as how to consider their short-term costs and potential long-term benefits when negotiating crop land leases.

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Map of Nebraska land values

Nebraska Land Values Drop 3% from 2018

June 28, 2019
The all-land average value in Nebraska for the year ending February 1, 2019 averaged about 3% lower than the year before, according to the Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Highlights report released this week. This marks five consecutive years of declining land values, accounting for a total decline of 20%.

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Flooded cropland in eastern Nebraska. Photo by William Dodd)
In areas where cropland was flooded, should rental rates be adjusted for 2019? Landlord-tenant communication this spring is recommended to address this question.

Should Leases be Adjusted for Flood-Damaged Farm Ground?

March 28, 2019
This article provides guidance on adjusting rental rates for flood-damaged cropland with different lease characteristics, including having that important landlord-tenant discussion this spring before planting.

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Image promoting the Agricultural Land Management Quarterly.

Quarterly Webinar Series to Address Land Management Issues

January 31, 2019
The Agricultural Land Management Quarterly webinar series debuts February 18 with management advice and insight for Nebraska landowners, agricultural producers, and others with an interest in agricultural land.

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Bar graph showing distribution of lease types across Nebraska regions.

Trends in Nebraska Agricultural Land Ownership and Rental Patterns

January 25, 2019
A survey of Nebraska farmers indicated that, typically, 50% of the cropland acres on an operation are owned and the other 50% are rented in either the form of cash leased or crop shared. Here are the percentages by district.

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KC Federal Reserve Chart of farm loan volume by purpose for the third quarter of 2018.

Nebraska Cropland Rental Rates and Financial Trends 2019

January 9, 2019
Nebraska producers will face challenging margins on crops produced in 2019. This article, part of the 2019 Crop Production Clinic Proceedings, covers current trends in cash rental rates and outlines financial considerations for the upcoming production year.

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Economics of the Capitalization Rate for Farmland. Links to full article

The Economics of the Capitalization Rate for Farmland

November 7, 2018
Real estate appraisers often use one of three methods to value real property: the market or sales comparison approach, the income approach, and the cost approach. In addition, factors other than the prospective income stream can factor into land prices.

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