Robidoux (NI04421) is a hard red winter wheat developed cooperatively by the University of Nebraska and the USDA-ARS and co-released with the University of Wyoming. It was released primarily for its superior performance under irrigation and rainfed conditions in western Nebraska.
- It is a semidwarf with a medium coleoptile length.
- Moderately late in maturity, which is similar to Wesley.
- Slightly taller than Wesley.
- Moderate straw strength.
- Moderately resistant to stripe rust and moderately susceptible to leaf rust.
- Susceptible to common bunt, a.k.a. stinking smut, and seed treatments are recommended.
- Non-complementary varieties include: Millennium and Wahoo.
Contact the following certified seed grower for this variety:
- Cullan Farms, Hemingford, 308-487-5288
- Carter Certified Seed, Chappel, 308-874-4583
- Dunbar Seed, Eustis, 308-486-5590
- Von Johnson, Cambridge, 308-697-4654
- Peters Seed Farms Inc., McCook, 308-340-6834
- Nelson Certified Seed, Wallace, 308-539-1847
- McArtor Certified Seed, Grant, 308-352-2361