Farm Bill and Crop Insurance Update Monday Morning, March 9

March 6, 2009 With all the new policies and changes to the farm bill, understanding the options will be more important than ever this year. To provide updated information on the farm bill and address producer questions, UNL Extension is sponsoring an on-line program, "Building the Revenue Bridge — Farm Bill 2008." It will be from 10 to 11:15 a.m. Monday, March 9.

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Crop Scout Training March 16

March 6, 2009 Crop scouts can learn how to better manage corn and soybean pests during a Crop Scout Training for Pest Managers program March 16. The training, sponsored by UNL Extension, provides in-depth and detailed information from University specialists and private industry representatives.

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South Central Crop Production Clinic March 19

March 6, 2009 A UNL Extension clinic on early season crop management options will be March 19 at UNL's South Central Agricultural Laboratory near Clay Center. The clinic, which will be held from 2 to 5 p.m., will include presentations and field demonstrations on weed control, herbicide selection, and fertilizer application methods.

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Crop Production Clinic Airing on NET 2 in March

March 6, 2009

Integrated pest management can be an integral tool in controlling crop production costs this year. To learn more about how you can integrate these strategies into your operation, tune into Nebraska Educational Television NET 2 for "Integrated Pest Management for Corn and Soybeans."

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Field Updates

March 6, 2009 Paul Hay, Extension Educator in Gage County: Farm activities include spraying and fertilizing wheat and alfalfa. The lowered price of phosphorus has some farmers deciding to go ahead with dry broadcast applications. After a difficult season in 2008, conservation work and repairs on tile outlet systems are forging ahead.

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Update: Wheat Condition in the Panhandle

March 6, 2009

The March 20 CropWatch will include a fuller update on wheat green-up and condition in western Nebraska.

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