Weather and Reservoir Update; Long-term Forecasts

September 19, 2008

All figures link to larger versions.

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Conversion for Diesel Fuel for Center Pivots

September 19, 2008

The 2009 crop production budgets with center pivot irrigation were developed with a pumping lift of 125 feet and 35 psi pressure to determine the amount of diesel fuel. A table was developed by Derrel Martin to determine the amount of diesel fuel for various pumping lifts and various pressures to pump an acre inch of water.

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Bronze Soybeans a Response to Variety, Weather

September 19, 2008

This year you may have noticed an unusual soybean leaf color — bronze or dark gold rather than the more typical bright yellow — as soybeans begin to mature. This is not due to a fungus and does not indicate a problem.

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Sunflower Frost

September 19, 2008

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Nebraska Cattle on Feed up 2%

September 19, 2008

Nebraska feedlots, with capacities of 1,000 ormore head, contained 1.96 million cattle on feed on September 1, according to USDA's NationalAgricultural Statistics Service, Nebraska Field Office. The inventory was up 2% from lastyear but 4% below September 1, 2006.

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