Formerly the University of Nebraska Agricultural Research and Education Center (ARDC).

Bagworm Control Efforts Should Start Now

May 22, 2009

Bagworms on an evergreen branch
Figure 1. Bagworms on juniper.
Bagworm damage to an evergreen

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No-till Bus Tour June 17-19

May 22, 2009 No-till on the Plains will be hosting an educational bus tour for Nebraska producers in mid-June to visit continuous no-till operations in South Dakota. The tour is partially funded through a grant from the Nebraska Environmental Trust and in cooperation with NRCS and University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension.

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No-till Expo June 10 near Amherst

May 22, 2009 No-till farmers and expert speakers will share their experience and research at the Whirlwind No-till Expo June 10 near Amherst.

The day-long event begins at 9 a.m. at the Dennis Abels farm on Nebraska Hwy 40, 5 miles southeast of Miller or 5 miles northwest of Amherst.

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No-till Field Day near Alliance May 26

May 22, 2009 The Watson Brothers Farm will host a no-till field day this Tuesday, May 26, near Alliance, starting at 9 a.m. This will be the first of several no-till production meetings planned for the Panhandle this summer.

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