Reservoirs Filling, Still Below Normal

March 27, 2009

Reservoirs in the Platte and Republican river basins have been recovering over the past year and two are near or at capacity.

Platte River Reservoirs

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Soils in Central, Eastern Nebraska near Saturation

March 27, 2009

Heavy rainfall during October 2008 left many areas of south central, central, and east central Nebraska with soil profiles that are saturated or close to field capacity in the upper 4 feet of the profile.  Areas within these regions have received 8 to 12 inches of moisture from October 1, 2008 through March 19, 2009.

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Thickening Old Alfalfa Stands — Consider the Risks

March 27, 2009 The other day I received a call: "How can I thicken an old stand of alfalfa with more alfalfa rather than other forages?"

Before trying to add alfalfa to alfalfa, first ask yourself "What do you have to gain, and should you even bother?"

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Preparing a Firm Seedbed for Alfalfa Planting

March 27, 2009 Before planting alfalfa or grass this spring, check your seedbed to make sure it's firm.

An easy test is to walk into your field then look back at your footprints. Do you sink in more deeply than the soles of your shoes or boots? If so, your seedbed may be too soft.

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NDA Alerts Producers to Potential Tick Problems

March 27, 2009 Nebraska State Veterinarian Dr. Dennis Hughes wants veterinarians and producers to be aware of a potential tick problem.

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NDA To Offer USDA Cost-Share Program For Nebraska's Certified Organic Industry

March 27, 2009 Nebraska will receive funding from USDA to aid the state's organic producers and processors with certification costs, according to Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) Director Greg Ibach.Nebraska producers used $35,000 from this program in 2005 and 2006.

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